Configure Audiences/Segments

To effectively target your Google Ads campaigns, it is essential that we configure audiences and segments based on user behavior, interests, and demographics. This allows for more personalized and relevant ad experiences, ultimately improving campaign performance. Below are the steps to accomplish this.

Step 1: Access Audience Manager

  • Navigate to the “Tools & Settings“ menu in your Google Ads account

  • Under the “Shared Library“ section, select “Audience Manager”

  • The Left Side Menu has Five Options:

    • Audiences

    • Segments

    • Your Data Insights

    • Your Data Sources

    • Settings

Audience Assignment_1.png


Step 2: Create Segments

  • Navigate to the “Segments” Section of the Audience Manager

  • Here there are two segments that are currently in use

    • General Visitors - 90 Days

      • Visitors That Hit in Past 90 Days

      • Use Cases:

        • General Remarketing Campaigns

    • Vehicle Detail Page Visitors - 90 Days

      • Visitors That Hit a VDP in Past 90 Days

      • Uses Cases:

        • Dynamic Display Ads

  • Click the “+” To Add A New Segment



Step 3a: General Visitors - 90 Days

  • Click the “Website visitors” option

  • Add the Segment Name:

    • General Visitors - 90 Days

  • Verify the Tag Source:

    • Set to the Current Google Ads Tag of the Client


  • Segment Members:

    • Set to “Visitors of Web Pages”

  • Actions:

    • Set to “Web Page Visits”

    • Set to the Past “90” Days

  • Pre-fill options:

    • Select the “Pre-fill” Option

      • Not the Empty Data Set

  • Description:

    • Leave empty

  • Click “Create Segment”

  • Refresh Segment Page and Verify it’s Populating


Step 3b: Vehicle Detail Page Visitors - 90 Days

  • Click the “Website visitors” option

  • Add the Segment Name:

    • Vehicle Detail Page Visitors - 90 Days

  • Verify the Tag Source:

    • Set to the Current Google Ads Tag of the Client


  • Segment Members:

    • Set to “Visitors of Web Pages”

  • Actions:

    • Set to “xinventorydetail”

    • Set to the Past “90” Days

  • Pre-fill options:

    • Select the “Pre-fill” Option

      • Not the Empty Data Set

  • Description:

    • Leave empty

  • Click “Create Segment”

  • Refresh Segment Page and Verify it’s Populating


Step 3c: Clean Up Default Segments

  • Review Existing Segments

    • Identify default segments that are not in use

      Locate old segments that are no longer utilized

      Spot any duplicate segments

      Examine custom segments for relevance

  • Remove the Segments

    • Segments can be removed individually or in bulk

    • Select the segments you wish to remove

    • Click on “Edit” in the selection menu

    • Choose “Remove” to delete the selected segments


Step 4: Audience Setup

  • Currently, Audiences are NOT used

  • Campaigns are tied directly to the campaigns