33/66/100% Spot Checks

Here is an overview of what is being checked when your Team Lead performs 33, 66, & 100% spot checks of your clients.

  1. 2-3 clients are chosen from each rep's section that have all the rep tasks marked off (on-site optimization, next month's content/YouTube request complete, campaign plan updated, and keyword list updated) to spot check. NOTE: for 33% spot checks ONLY, it is possible that no campaign plans are updated yet if reporting is still in progress, so we may just check the other areas.

  2. Clients are checked to make sure that any on-site optimization has been completed on the site and that the WD URL has been recorded in the current month's WD Import tab row in column G - Content Link. (For DS platform: the snippet change history is checked to ensure recent edits). 

  3. The WD Import tab is checked to ensure the entire campaign plan has been recorded and formatted correctly, which includes confirmation that campaign plan foci are formatted in Title Case for reporting. This may include checking to make sure that any months that have multiple pieces of content planned have multiple lines created with the content type filled out to ensure that the rep knows exactly what to request each month for content.   

  4. Confirm that the upcoming month's content request has been created and sent to the content writing board, if applicable.

  5. The SEOMonitor account is checked to make sure that the rep is tracking a minimum of 3 keywords per focus listed in the campaign plan. 

  6. For Platinum or ESS Pro clients: Checking that the rep created a YouTube video line in the WD Import for the upcoming month for Juniper to request the YT video.