Categories (Manage/Add/Delete)

ARI Responsive Websites

Categories (Manage/Add/Delete)

The E-Commerce platform will manage the category structure for you with our in-house category structure. You may also add and delete categories as you see fit for your own store.

Add a New Category

From the main menu-bar click on Webstore > Categories

A navigation bar will pop out on the right and it is here you can add new “Root Categories” or add new “Subcategories”.

A Root Category is the most top-level category in a category tree. You can add additional Root Categories by clicking “New Root Category”.

Underneath the Root Category you will have your main categories and then subcategories below those. You can add additional Subcategories by browsing to any category and then clicking the three little dots to the right. “New Subcategory”.

Delete a Category

This will not only delete a given category but will also remove any products within the category from the webstore. Proceed with caution here. Double-check all subcategories and products within the category that you are looking to remove to confirm that you are willing to have it all deleted.

From the main menu-bar click on Webstore > Categories and then browse through the category tree to the category that you wish to remove.

Examples of Categories and Subcategories

Parts > Brakes > Brake Calipers

In the above, Parts is the Root Category with Brakes being a subcategory, and Brake Calipers being a subcategory of Brakes.

Parts > Tires & Wheels > Rims

In the above, Parts is the Root Category with Tires & Wheels being a subcategory, and Rims being a subcategory of Brakes.