ARI Responsive Websites
Exporting Custom eCommerce Data from Endeavor
In Account Info, there is a new link in Profile Settings labeled Export eCommerce Custom data. When clicked a zip file will be downloaded, containing 3 files:
Client_Import_Product_Mapping.csv - Associates products from import #1 to categories on the webstore.
Private_Catalog_Import_Products.csv - Holds all product details, images, variations etc. for custom eCommerce data.
Client_Import_Shelf_Quantities.csv - Sets the sale price & available of a product from import #1.
This new feature will mainly be used to export existing Endeavor eCommerce data into PSS.
Importing Custom eCommerce Data to PSS
From within CMS, navigate to Configuration > PSS ECommerce > File Center
. Using the job links on the left-hand column of the page select the appropriate job type to upload a file for. The type jobs will match the file names that are contained within the ZIP file.
Private Catalog: Import Products
Client: Import Shelf Quantities
Client: Import Product Mapping
The individual files contained within the zip file must be uploaded to PSS individually and in the following order:
NOTE: It can take up to 20 minutes for a job to be processed during times of high traffic. The status of a job can be checked on the right-hand table: