SEO Accountability (COPY)

SEO Accountability (COPY)

Last Updated: January 2021

Department Metrics:

33/66/100 Percent Day Deadlines: Each month, there are set days where Digital Marketing reps are responsible for meeting a certain performance metric specific to their team. These universal deadline days put all teams on a similar monthly schedule to fulfill their workload. 

For SEO, the following is work that is expected to be complete by the deadline day:

Pre-33% (Starting the first day of the month and/or during the reporting period):

  • All reports ran, QA’d, delivered to client, uploaded to CRM

  • Previously paused accounts activated and running

  • All accounts that are supposed to be canceled, paused, un-paused, etc. are reflected on CRM accounts and Monthly Sheets

  • 33%: 

    • All 1st month client work completed for the month

    • All 2nd month client work completed for the month

    • 33% of client work completed for the month (soft deadline)

  • 66%: 

    • All call notes updated 

    • All scheduled client communication completed

    • 66% of client work completed for the month

  • 100%: 

    • Client requests submitted (Content, YouTube, Graphic Design)

    • QA updates completed for the month

    • 100% of client work completed for the month

Improved Response Time:

SEO reps are expected to respond to client emails and calls within one business day.


Standard WFH Summary: 

When reps work from home, there is now a standard WFH Summary that is more detailed than what was previously required. This provides more insight into how reps allocate their time while working remotely.

Expectations when working from home will not change from those in office. You still are responsible to be available for impromptu and scheduled calls with your dealers and you need to be more diligent checking team chats for important information.


Updated Late/Out Message: 

When a rep is out sick or has a planned absence, they will be required to provide additional detail in their out message. This will include any scheduled calls that need to be covered or rescheduled, work that needs to go live or be sent to a client for approval, and any other outstanding items the rep was planning to complete that day.


Frequent Out/Late:

Team Leads can revoke flex schedule for the upcoming week for reps who call out sick without any available sick time or who are late for their scheduled start more than once in a week.

Standard Transition Plan:

To ensure a smooth transition, we require our reps to use this format of pass-off notes to new reps. We will also be encouraging our reps to keep an open communication with each other to bridge any communication gaps during this transitional period. This is to be turned in to their current Team Lead and Senior Rep before their scheduled transition out of their team. 


Tracking Performance

Each team will have a shared sheet to track monthly percentages for work completed. Team members are expected to keep all columns of their section up-to-date and accurate each month. 

Dealer Spike


Campaign Performance

Looking at specific metrics to determine if successful campaigns are being created.

*In Progress

Additional Monthly Expectations

Below are additional monthly expectations for all SEO team members.

  • Reporting:

    • All reports need to be sent out or scheduled by the last reporting day

    • All reports need to be added to the SEO SharePoint folder in the client's Digital Marketing Project in the CRM

    • Your flex schedule or leaving early on Friday should not affect your own reports getting sent out by the 5th

  • Client Communication:

    • All communication (emails, phone calls) with a client is logged properly in the Digital Marketing Project in the CRM

Accountability Action Plan:

If a team member fails to consistently perform to the above expectations the following can/will happen:

  • 1:1 conversation with Team Lead and Manager on how to improve performance

  • Discuss the various roadblocks/reasons as to why goals were not met

  • Set goals and track the progress to get back on track (visible to both parties)

If continued performance does not improve, the following can/will happen:

  • Take away next month’s flex schedule option

  • Discussion with Team Lead and Manager of a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

  • Depending on the severity of the under-performance, a written warning or PIP could be issues at this time

If under-performance is habitual:

  • The rep will be put on a PIP

  • Loses flex schedule indefinitely, until performance has been improved and off of the PIP

  • Continual under-performance will be reflected on annual reviews

Guidelines for Performance Improvement Plans:

  • Team members cannot have PIPs for repetitive areas of improvement - continual underperformance in areas addressed during a current or previous PIP will lead to end of employment
  • Continual underperformance in any area of job duties that requires more than 3 PIPs will lead to end of employment
  • Depending on the areas of improvement being addressed, disciplinary action, up to and including end of employment may be included on a first PIP if necessary