Uberall Setup and Takedown Procedure

Uberall Setup and Takedown Procedure

How will you be notified of a new client?

When a new sale is completed, a Setup Fulfillment Request will be generated in Salesforce and appear in the PDM Setup queue. This is an automated process.

You will receive a setup fulfillment request in the queue once the sale closes. This is an automated process.

How will you be notified of a cancellation/takedown request?

When the PDM product expires or is terminated in Salesforce, a Takedown Fulfillment Request will be automatically generated and will appear in the PDM takedown queue.

You will receive a takedown fulfillment request in the queue for your product once the product has been marked for cancellation. This is an automated process.

(+) Adding a New Location

Adding locations in Uberall is very similar to Yext in the way that you add information to a basic form and the types of information you will be managing. By following the below steps you will be able to add a new location and ensure they are off to a solid start for their Directory Management Service.

  1. Log into Uberall: https://locallistings.leadventure.com/en/app/leadventure-demo/home

  2. Once there, you will be met with the Home tab - You can ignore this for now. Click on the “Locations” tab on the left-hand side of the window.

  3. You will then need to click the red “+ Add Location” button, then select “manual”, and then fill out the following fields:

    1. Account Information

      1. Unless the business has multiple locations, you will select “[x] Create a new account with the location data”

      2. If they do have multiple locations that all share the same subscription levels, you should use the search bar to locate their existing account and click it.

    2. Location Status

      1. For 99% it will be the first option “The location is open“.

    3. General Information:

      1. Business Name

      2. Location Identifier - Use the GBP location ID

      3. Full Address - If they are a mobile service business, you can hide the address in the listing and include service areas instead. Zip codes tend to work the best.

      4. Categories - Same as their Google Business Profile category(s). If you need guidance on selecting the proper category refer to this guide: https://arinet.atlassian.net/l/cp/xbCkK2J9

      5. Contact Information - This is information specific to the dealership location NOT the client’s contact number. Be sure to also add the link back to the website, and fully complete their business hours based on the website information.

      6. Business Discription - For tips on writing good business descriptions you can refer to this guide: https://arinet.atlassian.net/l/cp/xbCkK2J9

      7. Labels -Add a label for the brand associated with the website (ARI, DS, ND, etc…)

    4. Next, you will click the tab at the top of the page labeled “Rich Data” and from there you will have additional information to add.

      1. Social Media Profiles - Add as many as you can from the website.

      2. Brands - is the other most important section on this page. You should be able to pull a good starting list from the all-inventory list page.

    5. Lastly, you will click on the “Photos and Videos” tab at the top and add a squared version of their logo to the 'logo' field and the ‘squared logo’ field

    6. Once all the information is filled out, you’re done!

(-) Offboarding A Location

  1. Log into Uberall: https://locallistings.leadventure.com/en/app/leadventure-demo/home

  2. Once there, you will be met with the Home tab - You can ignore this for now. Click on the “Locations” tab on the left-hand side of the window.

  3. Search for the location you are trying to cancel in the search bar at the top-left under the new location buttons.

  4. Once located in the account, select the account by clicking the red business name.

  5. It will reload and you will be greeted with the location’s information.

  6. On the right-hand rail if you scroll you will see an expandable labeled “Deactivate Location“, click the expand button and you will see a red “Deactivate Location” button, click it.

  7. You will then be met with some options, in most cases you will click the white with red text “Deactivate Now” button, and you’re done.

  8. You will also want to close out the Trello card if that is the only location we had service for.


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