SS 2.0 Bug/Issue Tracking
Please Note 8/22/24: We have decided to start adding issues/requests directly into Jira backlog to make it easier to move requests into the workflow for the dev team. Follow the steps below to open Jira tickets.
Adding Jira Tickets: < Go to project and click Create button at the top.
Below are the fields that need to be filled in when created a issue or request
Summary: Title of issue/request
Description: include all the details about the issue or request
Attachments: Any screenshots that would be pertinent to the request
Components: Sitesmith
Investment Type: Support
Goal: Operating Efficiency
Parent: Sitesmith: Enhancements & Improvements
Q2 2024
Request Status | CSS Overview | What | Why | Example | Notes |
complete In progress reviewed Requested | N/A | What enhancement, improvement, or bug do you have to report
| Why is this request important? Does it solve a workflow issue for the FED team, is it an improvement, is it a fix for something? | Provide a example. |
complete | N/A (applies to Sitesmith tool) | Loading time is extremely slow for Sitesmith tool | Causing difficulty for team members working on setup. | Kayla M, Rachel W, Vynha H and Michael G all reported experiencing extremely slow loading since the 2.0 update. Seems to be struggling to connect to the database to receive account info, error pages appearing, etc. Screenshot below shows accounts not loading in. | Task:Log On |
In progress | home-s1 | SVG for RV types off center/looks wrong | FED will need to replace with PNGs or adjust in some way to resolve every time. | Selkirk RV – screenshot of before Jacob resolved: | Task: Log On This has been brought up before and may be present on other versions, but this is the only one I’ve managed to capture before it got fixed. 5/1 Update: Requested Kayla to take back to the team about updating SVG images with viewbox consistency. |
in progress
| N/A (in Sitesmith tool) | Banner display gets stretched or cut off at different screen sizes. | This has caused confusion and uncertainty with clients because the displayed banner looks awkward when presenting the site. | Task: Log On | |
in progress | Seems to be coming from home-buckets 1? | Error in CSS file - Missing a closing bracket in Home Rotating Banners - Full | Closing bracket needs to be added to prevent issues and errors from occurring. | Task: Log On Line 1699, seems to have come from | |
reviewed | n/a | Platinum Motorsports not exporting properly - dev domain is not functioning | We need it to export from Sitesmith in order to start working on it. | We are seeing a 404 (not found): Cannot reproduce, sounds like support did not complete all steps of site setup because domain is not pointing to our server. | |
In Progress | N/A (in Sitesmith tool) | Bulk upload button missing from sitecreator>images>banner>two-thirds, service-cta>short, and service-cta>tall | Design able to complete work more quickly if they can bulk upload | This is in reference to uploading images to the media library, not working on a site. | Task: Log On Reported by Michael Grubbs 5/16 Update: Michael Grubbs sent me a screenshot of the issue, and found the issue. Task Created
in progress | N/A (seems to apply regardless of CSS overview/layout) | SiteSmith exports are coming out with two RVSearch snippets on the homepage: the mobile search in the header and the hero search on the homepage. They both have the same ID, so there is a namespace collision that causes only the mobile to work and not the hero. This can be fixed by changing one of their IDs. | FED will need to fix this every time a new export comes out unless it is resolved from the start. | Reported on Ancira RV but will be present on any newly created site. | Reported by Andrew Pitts, he will have more information as needed. |
complete | N/A | A new “Package Options” button appeared at the start of the setup process, but did not show any options or ways to progress past that stage. | Design will have to backtrack around this and it will cause confusion. | Lovesick Lake | This was already handled, but adding it to the list for context and tracking. |
in progress | N/A (In Sitesmith tool) | Logo not showing on all header options. In the example video, it appears to only be showing on G2. | Dealer will want to see their logo on their site to approve it. Design also needs to see it to design around it. | Lovesick Lake | Reported by Michael Grubbs. Not sure if this error will persist when exported as it is still being set up. This seems to have only started occurring AFTER the above issue w/Package Options was resolved. **TJ responded to Michael Grubbs - the issue was with the logo file format being svg. png is the recommend format. Ticket in Jira has been added to investigate direction. |
in progress | All | Styling is missing from Library pages | FED will need to fix this for every site unless it is added to the main CSS. | Originally noticed on Veurinks RV but fixed by Kiwani Rose City is one where it’s still broken | Not a lot of sites are using library pages, so it took awhile to spot this. Reported by Kiwani F |
resolved | N/A (Sitesmith tool) | Progress seems to be getting overridden on saving designs in Sitesmith, causing team members to have to completely redo setup and adjustments. | This is causing workflow issues as items keep needing to be redone by Launch and Design. | Vynha reported this on Johnny RV Superstores. | I am going to message you on Teams about what you would prefer we do to allow you guys to investigate this! (TJ) - instructions given to restart, if that does not resolve then report back. |
In Progress | All (Layout does not seem to affect whether this issue appears) | fa-caret in mobile menu does not disappear at 992 px breakpoint like it should, so both fa-caret and fa-plus are displaying at the same time. fa-caret should show above 992px and fa-plus should show below 992 px. | FED needs to fix every time unless it is resolved at the source. |
| Jacob reported this. He says he has been using a few lines of code to fix on Sitesmith builds he has been given and could likely provide that for product team. |