Tealium iQ Connection and Event Tracking

Tealium iQ Connection and Event Tracking

This is a LeadVenture internal product only, dealers have no access and do not have any control of this product.

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Document status

In Progress

Target release

2023 / Q2

Epic Link


Document owner


Lean Canvas

Tealium iQ

Dealer Cost

There is no cost, but there is no direct value for the client. This is internal event tracking and reporting for marketing clients.





Creating enterprise level GA4 accounts allows the business to have a centralized Google analytics account across all platforms and connect through a centralized tool to capture standardized event tracking from website users. Dealers will not have access to these analytics accounts, these enterprise accounts and the event tracking for Tealium is analytic accounts that are LeadVenture controlled only. Dealers will be able to get reporting from dashboards or reporting from marketing services.

Tealium will supply data from the dealers website that will help provide data for marketing reports, internal dashboards, and enterprise level platform comparison reporting.

 Success metrics





To capture dealer analytic data in centralized location to help drive business related reporting and marketing reporting for clients.

Create better OEM partnerships with dealer driven data.

Create better marketing reports for clients that invest in platform marketing campaigns.

Cross platform comparison based on client website data.


How Does it Work

LeadVenture analytics team provides the GA4 IDs. Within the domains CMS, we will select a specific event tracking profile depending if the dealer is subscribed to marketing services or not. We will track specific events from the dealers websites and send that to the Tealium iQ system where they can run reports, supply data to dashboards, and make business decisions based on dealer data.

Technical Details



User Story





User Story




Must be able to capture GA4 ID for each domain

As user, I need to be able to add 2 separate analytics IDs so that the marketing team can continue to send current reports via the UA event data but also start creating new events




Must be able to select which profile for event tracking needs to be used per domain

 As user, I need to be able to select which profile to use to supply the correct event tracking data to Tealium so that Tealium can provide proper data for reporting and dashboards.




Must be able to send Tealium events

As a marketing user, I need to be able to have the basic events in Tealium to be able to provide the reporting needed to the clients to show the value of the marketing services




Send GA4 IDs in the website data lake export

As a data user, I need to be able to receive the UA and GA4 ID’s that are associated with a specific do main so that we can report on which domains have which enterprise analytics account




 User interaction and design

 Open Questions



Date Answered



Date Answered

Why do we need both UA and GA4 ID fields

Because Marketing Team has not seen all the possible available data to help them create new marketing reports. They need to be able to continue to report with the UA events that they have been until they are fully transitioned into the GA4 events.






 Out of Scope


Additional Details

Setup Guide

The only setup required is for the Enterprise Analytics account for internal tracking purposes. There is no setup needed for Tealium as that work is already setup for each dealer site.


  1. Go into the dealers website/CMS

  2. Click on the main site node

  3. Click on the Advanced tab

  4. Add the Tealium GA 4 ID into the field from the Enterprise Analytics Account that has been created.