Stock Images Feature

Stock Images Feature

Document status

95% Complete

Target release

2023 / Q2

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Type /Jira to add Jira epics and issues

Document owner

@TJ VanWert

Lean Canvas


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The stock unit feature allows dealers that have a lot of "On Order" units displayed on their site to have more than just a floorplan image displaying on the unit. Stock unit photos allows dealers to be able to use stock unit images from the RV Library to display on their inventory units rather than just having the floorplan image displaying.

This feature is primarily used for dealers that want to display RVs on their website that are "On Order" but they do not have pictures of the RV's yet. The photos include model specific interior photos and at least 1 exterior image for all 2022 models and newer. Not all models in the library will have interior photos because the manufacturer does not always supply interior images of all the available models. We will have 1 exterior photo that will display for 2022 models and newer, but that exterior photo may not truly represent the model as the manufacturer typically uses one model for all exterior photos. Because of the exterior photo that is a generic brand exterior photo, we will be placing a Stock Photo watermark on the images.



How Does it Work

Dealers first would need to have the stock photo feature enabled on their account. This is an all On/Off feature, meaning that when enabled, stock photos will be added if available to ALL inventory that has had library look up completed on them.

Within the dealers inventory unit detail screen, during the library look up process where dealers are selecting the manufacture, year, make, model, to do the library look up it will import the data along with the stock photos from the library. When the dealer opens the photos tab in the unit detail they will see the stock photo listed with a label of "stock" indicating those are stock photos.

If dealers are using their DMS or a third party to send images into their iCommand Center, the stock photos that get added during the library look up process will not be affected. The stock photos will be added at the end of the images that get imported. If the dealer does not want the stock images to display for a specific unit, they will need to delete the stock images manually just like they do with any other image. The stock images will not affect the image import, meaning that the stock photos do not cause the image sync process to not add any dealer photos because the stock images get ignored in the image sync process.

All stock images will display a watermark of "Stock Photo" on the image for both the website and inventory exports to 3rd parties. This way customers viewing the units on the website or classified sites will know that the image is a stock photo and not an actual image of the unit. The dealer logo watermark will not display on the stock photos as it is not their image. The dealers that have the stock unit photo feature enabled will also have an update to their disclaimer which will include legal approved language in regards to photos being stock and may not truly represent the actual model.

Within the command center, we have updated the Media Filter on the inventory page search. Stock images are not included in the filter, so when selecting "Has No Images" or "Has Images", this selection will only look for dealer added images and ignore any units that have stock images so dealers can still filter all the units that they need to add their own images to.


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 User interaction and design

As you can see in the examples below. Those images that are stock images from the library will have a watermark over the image stating this is a Stock Photo for shoppers to see on the dealers website.


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To give the dealers the ability to only allow Stock Images on specific units (i.e. On Order Units) but Stock Images would not display on any other unit status.



To automate Stock Images to be added when units get imported from their DMS system.







Enable the Stock Image feature by going to the dealers iCC account Settings > Company Profile > Features > under General Settings check the box next to Stock Images and click Save.

  • This is a on/off for all inventory, it cannot be controlled to only work for certain inventory.

  • By enabling this feature it does not add stock units to all inventory that is currently in the dealers iCC account, it only adds stock images at the time of library look up so each unit would need to have library look up redone.





Disable the Stock Image feature by going to the dealers iCC account Settings > Company Profile > Features > under General Settings uncheck the box next to Stock Images and click Save.

  • When this feature has been disabled, it does not remove all the stock images that have already been added to units, it only stops adding stock images to units once disabled.

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