Set-up begins once the order is received or the dealer’s website goes live. We need to send the “Welcome Email” within 24 hours.
Orders are assigned as follows:
Dealer Spike and IRV orders are generated within Salesforce and added to the team queue.
DealerCarSearch maintains their own account orders and set-up for now.
Initial Set-Up
Send a Welcome Email to the Dealer
This email needs to go out no later than 24 hours after the order has been received. Please update the email to match the dealer's package level and customize it to the dealership’s needs.
If you’re having any trouble finding the dealer’s email address, reach out to their account manager.
Hi [DealerName]!
My name is [YourName], and I'll be setting up your Automated Email Marketing service. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns during your set-up! To get you started, we'll need a couple of things from you and your team.
These are:
Your Complete Email List - this list includes emails from your DMS provider, or any other platform you may use to capture your email addresses (This file needs to include First Name, Last Name, and Email Addresses. Don't worry if you have incomplete entries, as these will be filtered automatically by our system.)
From Name - This is the name customers will see when they receive an automated email from you. We generally recommend using the business name.
From Email Address - This is the email address the emails will be going out from. We suggest using an email address that is monitored. Additionally, this email address should be a business email that resides on your domain. If you don't have an email address that meets these criteria, we'll be using one of our secure sending domains.
DMS Information - This includes the name of your DMS provider and your dealership's DMS number. This is needed so we can receive a customer email list from your DMS system and will automatically update whenever you make any changes. (Please note that this can only be done if your DMS provider is Lightspeed, Lizzy/Nizex, Talon, Motility, or Everlogic).
We will also be adding a website tracking script to your website to enable service functionality. We will also be requesting the addition of DNS records to improve deliverability if you choose to use your own sending domain.
Thank you very much for your time and attention to this. Have a great rest of your day!
Ensure that all communications with the dealer are tracked to Salesforce.
Request Custom & Featured Inventory Email Headers for Dealer
For DS/ARI, create a new case in Salesforce requesting custom header images for the dealer. Please add any details that might be important to the graphics team (eg. Include the information for all locations in the header image).
Standard header for all email types
Co-op Header (up to 2 max) - one for each brand - MUST include brand logo in a white ‘negative space’ box
Retargeting Header (optional) - Request ONLY if dealer asks for a custom/different header for this email type.
Featured Inventory Header (optional) - Request ONLY if dealer asks for a custom/different header for this email type.
For IRV/L5, once the account is made active in Admin CP - email Clint & Corbin to initiate creatives. These header images will be the dealer’s logo on a white background.
Verify if Dealer Exists in Admin CP or Add New Business Listing
In Admin CP search for the Dealer by typing in the Dealer's name (or combination of keywords). If the dealer isn't found, add a new dealer business listing.
On the left side of the Admin CP, scroll down to the Businesses section and click Add Business. Create a Dealer and enter the Dealer's name, address, and Web URL in the appropriate sections and save.
Dealer Account Set-Up
Once the account is verified to exist/a new account has been created, you can move on to the account set-up. Most of these are done on Admin CP:
Admin Control Panel > Dealership > Basic Info:
Set Status to Active
Select Automated Email Marketing (AEM) Package level
Ensure that you're updating the "Automated Email Marketing" selection. The "Package" selection should remain as None.
Add Salesforce GUID to LV CRM GUID (For ARI & DS Clients Only)
In Salesforce type the account name in the search bar at the top middle of the page. Click on the Account. The Salesforce ID will be in the URL between the words Account and View.
Set Website to Active
Mark Dealer as CLAIMED
Website Script Settings
Set Website Tracking Script to Active
Set VDP Email Remarketing to Active
Third Party Website Settings
Select the applicable website platform from Third Party Website drop down
Add Website Feed URL/Endpoint
DS - No endpoint needed - pulls from dealership homepage URL
ARI - No endpoint needed - pulls from dealership homepage URL
Trailer Central - No endpoint needed - pulls from Brand settings in SUCP. Dealer ID is a required field to save this setting.
Room58 - No endpoint needed - pulls from dealership homepage URL
Dealer Inspire - A file name is needed, not a URL
DX1 - Requires a paid package for DX1 to enable feed
IRV (Ignite Platform) - Endpoint URL generated in IRV’s iCC dashboard
Selecting IRV will expand additional settings:
Enable AEM Export - YES
Ignite Platform Account ID - Can be found in the Endpoint URL
Enable Events - YES
Enable Web Tracking - YES
Powersports Technologies - No endpoint needed - pulls from dealership homepage URL
L5 (Ignite Platform)- Endpoint URL generated in IRV’s iCC dashboard
Dealer Car Search - Requires Endpoint URL
V12 Software (Frazer Brand) - Enter the filename that v12 sends into the field, not a URL
AutoCorner (Frazer Brand) - The AutoCorner Dealer ID (provided by dealer or AutoCorner) will need to be added in the Endpoint field, not a URL
To Enable this feed for a new dealer, email:
EMAIL TEMPLATE: Please add the inventory feed for [Dealer Name], Dealer ID [AutoCorner Dealer ID], to the daily file being sent to our ftp site ( this dealer has been added to the file, please reply to this email so that we can confirm receipt on our end.
VinSolutions - Enter the Vin Solutions Endpoint URL into the field.
The content above is for setting up Arinet functions with other systems, such as Room58, Dealer Inspire, DX1, IRV (Ignite Platform), Powersports Technologies, L5 (Ignite Platform), Dealer Car Search, V12 Software
Set Import 3rd Party Inventory to Yes
Confirm Dealership Name is Accurate
Add/Verify Dealership Home Page website URL
Ensure that the URL used is the secure version of the website (https:// NOT http://)
Add the following URLs from the dealership’s website
Service URL - this is the service department landing page
New URL - this is the inventory page that features only new units
PO (Pre-Owned) URL - this is the inventory page that features only pre-owned/used units
Privacy Policy URL - this can be found at the bottom of every website
Add Dealer's Contact Email
This will be the From Email address that the dealer provides
This field cannot stay blank - it will return an error when trying to set-up the dummy website
Select Dealer’s Industry (more than one if applicable) from the drop-down menu
If the dealer’s industry is not in this drop-down, select “Other”
AEM Rep - Select for ARI/DS/IRV accounts only
Add/Verify Address
If the dealer has multiple locations, a single location will need to be selected as we don’t support adding multiple addresses in the footer at the moment.
Add/Verify Time Zone and Phone Number(s)
Again, we can only support a single time zone and one main phone number per account.
Add phone number to Review Invitation Phone (for email signatures)
Set up contacts to get Automated Monthly Reports in NINJACAT
Log Into NinjaCat and search for dealer’s account (if the dealer doesn’t exist in Ninjacat, you’ll need to ADD ACCOUNT first).
Once the account has been found/created, you can begin to create the automated monthly reports.
Add Report in the “Reports” section of the account by clicking on the + icon on the right hand site
In TEMPLATE section, click drop down, search for AEM and select the applicable AEM Co-op brand.
SCHEDULE - Monthly, on the 8th
Example: {ACCOUNT_NAME} AEM Co-op Report - Honda ({REPORT_DATE_RANGE})
EMAIL - Automatic, Multiple Recipients. Add dealer’s email address(es)
MUST INCLUDE the Salesforce Email in all reports: ninjacatreports@leadventure.comEMAIL SUBJECT: {ACCOUNT_NAME} AEM Co-op Report - [BRAND] ({REPORT_DATE_RANGE})
Example: {ACCOUNT_NAME} AEM Co-op Report - Honda ({REPORT_DATE_RANGE})
EXAMPLE REPORT: For any questions, view the reports in the account for “Tia’s Test Site” in NinjaCat to verify that you have the correct information.
If requested to send leads to the dealer’s CRM (This may be on the Order Form or come directly from the dealer) - add an email address for CRM and select the following checkboxes:
Website Tracking Daily Summary
Send Website Tracking Script to the website provider.
Depending on the brand, the process will be different
DS - Submit Salesforce Case
ARI - Submit Salesforce Case
IRV - Send tracking script as an attached file to
This can be found at the bottom of the Basic Info Page
How to Submit Support Case to Add Tracking Script in Salesforce
Search for Account in Salesforce
Open a New Support Case in the Dealer Account
Fill Out Support Case:
Platform Instance - This would be the dealer's active website
Dealer Spike - DS Support
ARI - ARI Updates
Dealer Spike - DS Website
ARI - All Updates
Dealer Spike - Other
Tick off Internal
Origin - Internal
Priority - Defaults to Medium
Type - Setup
Subject - Please Add Tracking Script
Description - Add the below template
Please add the following website tracking script to all pages of the dealer’s website.
Kindly let me know when the script has been added or if you require any additional information.
Thank you!
Dealer Spike clients send an additional email to support for UNIT ALERTS
(NOTE: The “dealer guid” is JUST the numbers inside the script, not the entire script. I.e. 21f2a6c2621146e3b15609e543f7bde5):
Please Update the config.asp file for [Dealer Name] to enable the AEM Unit Alerts: Price Drop/Inventory updates by adding it to the config variable. [Dealership Homepage URL]CONFIG_PSM_GUID = "[dealer guid]" Turn on the feature
The process is documented here in case there are questions: let us know once this has been completed.
ARI clients send the attached instruction document to
Please Update [Dealership Homepage URL] to enable the AEM Unit Alerts: Price Drop/Inventory updates by following these steps:Add the Price Drop - Inventory Alert component to the dealer account
Add the PSM (AEM) GUID to the DDMC
Add the Price Drop - Inventory Alert component to the site layout for the relevant pages.
Step-by-Step Instructions Here:
Please let us know once this has been completed.
Request List of Email Addresses from: Website Provider (Form Submissions) and Dealer (CRM, DMS, anywhere they have collected emails)
Admin Control Panel > DEALERSHIP Tab> EXTERNAL INFO:
DMS Integration (OPTIONAL) - If dealer would like DMS integration, below are the steps to configure that by provider.
Input PSM Dealer/Key ID into the DMS Dealer ID field
Send Instructions to the dealer for installing & Configuring the Talon Connector
Dealer or DX1 support will create a customer report to send to:
The report must include the dealership name in a column of the report. The name will need to be entered using the exact same characters into the DX1 Dealer ID field.
Send Instructions below to the dealer & ask them to send back the API Key that is generated within Lizzy/Nized.
Populate that field with the API Key they send
Login to Lizzy
Click on ‘Allow Access’
Click the Generate API Key button and input this key into the Nizex/Lizzy ID field in the LV Reputation Management Authorizations interface
Enter in this IP address into Lizzy -
Check all the checkboxes below the IP Address field
Request the following data from the dealer and input it into the Motility fields
Motility Integration Id
Motility Account Id
Motility Username
Motility Password
Check the ENABLE box for Dealer Vue Customer Integration.
Send an email to Include PSM Dealer ID and ask them to send daily Customer file to ftp site.
Email the Everlogic Support Team (maybe copy Ricardo as well on the first few requests - he was part of the set up of this process:
Ask them to send a customer file daily for [Dealership name] to our FTP site:
Username: Everlogic
Password: Ftp@2021!
Sample email:
Good afternoon,
We would like to set up customer data integration for a mutual client, [DEALERSHIP], for their Automated Email Marketing program. The dealer is on copy for approval.
We're requesting a daily customer file for [DEALERSHIP + City & State) be sent to our FTP site:
Username: Everlogic
Password: Ftp@2021!
Please include the following fields in the customer file: First & Last name, complete address, phone, email, and Unit Purchase date, model & year.
Once this has been initiated, respond to this email with the dealer's ID that is included in the customer file.
Ask them to reply to your email once they have initiated that customer file to send daily and to provide us with the Dealer ID that is included in the customer file.
Copy/Paste that Dealer ID into the Everlogic Integration set up screen in the Website Back Office (I know – sorry about the placement of this one)
Back Office > ADMIN Tab > Current Website > Subscription Integration Settings:
Social Media - Add links for the dealer’s social media platforms (as applicable):
LeadVenture Suite # / Site ID
Use the Website Dashboard for all LV Suite #s/Site ID
Open up the Website Dashboard
Under the Website List, click ‘Details’ arrow:
Please note: If unable to access you will need to request access through the page
Optional: Use the platform slicer at the top to shrink the website list down to the platform you’re looking for (Slicer=tabs at the top)
3. Expand the filter on the right
4. Highlight somewhere in the table to bring up the filters for the columns in the table:
5. Select ‘Website Name’ or main url filters to find the customer:
6. Enter name of dealer & check the corresponding box:
7. Right Click & copy the Site ID from the Site ID column:
8. Paste into the LV Suite# box in the Admin Control Panel at the bottom of the ‘External Info’ screen & click ‘Save’:
Add all brands that dealer carries under Manufacturers. These are located on the dealer's website.
Admin Control Panel > DEALERSHIP Tab> WEBSITES:
Create Dummy Website for 3rd Party Inventory feed
NOTE: DO NOT ADD A NEW SITE IF A “MAINWEBSITE” Type Already Exists. There can only be ONE “MainWebsite” Type per account. If “MainWebsite” Type already exists, SKIP THIS SECTION and Move to the next part of Set-Up.
Site Name: Dealer’s Name
Description: 3rd party feed site
Type: MainWebsite
Domain Name: Dealers' URL with NO http, https, www or spaces. Just the root domain (
Email Alias: DealershipNameInventory w/ no spaces. (I.e.: anglerschoicemarineinventory)
Theme: Leave on Default
Click ACTIVE box
Admin Control Panel > SETUP Tab> BUTTON SETUP:
Confirm the correct buttons are showing for dealer dashboard:
Website Tracking
Business Information
Admin Control Panel > SETUP Tab> FIRESTORM SETUP:
Add Dealer’s Custom Email Header
Request email headers in Salesforce from Graphics Department
Update Firestorm FROM NAME (this will be the preview customer’s see when the email arrives in their inbox)
Update the Firestorm FROM EMAIL
NOTE: The domain in the FROM email address will be replaced with the VERIFIED DOMAIN if it is different than the Verified domain EXCEPT:
Always used as the REPLY TO email address
Always used when "USE CUSTOM DOMAIN" box is checked
When no verified domain is set up in account
When verified domain still in warm up process
(Ie. From email field contains, but verified domain is During the sending process, the From email address will be replaced with
Add the URL for each department (if available on the dealer’s website): NEW Inventory, USED Inventory, Parts & Accessories, Upcoming Events, Apparel, Service.
Add Dealer’s Logo Image
Set UTM Parameters:
Source = Brand
Type = AEM
Admin Control Panel > SETUP Tab> SENDGRID SETUP:
If we have access to dealer’s DNS records (Recommended) - AUTHENTICATE DEALER’S SENDING DOMAIN
Copy & paste the dealer’s SENDING domain
EX: - The sending domain is dealershipname.comNOTE: This may be different than the dealer’s WEBSITE domain, please verify that you are adding the domain that the dealer uses to SEND EMAILS from. (I.e. Sample dealer site:, but dealer sends emails from In that case, you would want to authenticate
Access to Domain? - Select YES
This will populate the Five (5) CNAME records that will need to be added to the dealer’s DNS for their sending domain.
If Dealer is part of a Group or is an ENTERPRISE client, they will get a dedicated IP Pool.
Click MANAGE IP POOLS (This will redirect you to a new page)
Name the Pool something applicable to the dealer group
Click SAVE
Select from the first available IP address in the list
Click SAVE
SEND DNS RECORDS to Dealer’s Website Provider/Platform
You will select the CNAME records from the go.dealerdomain rows:
To: Website Provider’s support email address OR the dealership contact if we (DS/ARI/IRV/Level5) do not host their domain.
CC: Dealer contact
Subject: Email DNS records for [Dealershipname]
Copy & paste the message below in the body of the email- be sure to include the dealer’s domain and CC the dealer on the email:
We’re working on email deliverability for Dealership Powersports Please add the following DNS records to their sending domain. The dealer is copied for any approval you need.
5 CNAME records
2 TXT records (SPF & DMARC)
Type | Host | Value |
CNAME | em3970.go | |
CNAME | s1._domainkey.go | |
CNAME | s2._domainkey.go | |
CNAME | url1283.go | |
CNAME | 23954849.go |
SPF Records:
Name: @
Type: TXT
Value: v=spf1 -all
*** Note to DNS Manager: if an existing v=spf1 is already found in DNS records, simply add to existing spf. (Example: v=spf1 ip4: -all)
(Archived - Do Not Use: v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all)
DMARC Records:
Name: _dmarc
Type: TXT
Value: v=DMARC1; p=none
*** Note to DNS Manager: if an existing DMARC TXT is already found in DNS records, please replace that with the record above. 2 DMARC TXT records should not exist for this domain.
Copy & paste the Host & Values of the ‘go.’ domain from the Control Panel into the email.
Note: You will only copy & paste up through .go - you will not include the dealer’s domain on any cnames.
Click the + button to expand the rows. There will always be 5.
Once the website provider/dealer responds saying the records were added, you’ll need to validate the records:
Click the red X in the ‘Validated’ column and if it was done correctly, they will turn into green check marks
Check Active at the top under User ID & you’re done!
If we do not have access to dealer’s DNS records - USE DEFAULT DOMAIN
Skip Sendgrid Set-up Screen - No action needed.
What to expect when using the DEFAULT DOMAIN:
The From email address will be [dealercontactemailaddress]
For example, if dealer’s contact email address is the from email address will be
The From Name will appear in preview on mobile & desktop
The Reply To email address will be dealer’s contact email address
Admin Control Panel > SETUP Tab> Anchor Lightspeed API Integration Settings:
Input Dealer’s Lightspeed # into the LIGHTSPEED NUMBER field
If Dealer is part of a dealer group or has a sister store, ask for their STORE NAME and input in the Store Name field. LS allows dealers to share customers within a store group, and integration will pull in shared customers from other locations if the Store Name is not populated.
Select the Appropriate API ACCOUNT based on the dealer’s package. The dealer’s consent box will appear immediately after selecting the correct API Account.
PSMCustomer - CUSTOMER DATA - For Customer data only - most applicable for AEM clients
PSMFirestorm -VEHICLE DATA- For PSM Firestorm Website Only clients - not applicable for AEMPSMCustomerVehicle -CUSTOMER & VEHICLE DATA- To be used for AEM clients who also have a PSM Firestorm Website.
TEST CUSTOMERS = Download CSV for last 3 days (by default, but date range is editable) of Customer data for the SPECIFIC STORE NAME, but not added to any Customer or Email list.
TEST SALES DATA = Download CSV for last 3 days (by default, but date range is editable) of Unit Sales data for the SPECIFIC STORE NAME, but not added to any Customer or Email list.
TEST VEHICLE DATA = Download CSV for last 3 days (by default, but date range is editable) of vehicles for the SPECIFIC STORE NAME, but not added to any Customer or Email list or the Website Back Office.
IMPORT FULL LIST FROM LIGHTSPEED = Customer data only (Not sales or vehicle) will be uploaded to the Customer and Everyone Email lists.
Contact the dealer and have them:
Log into Lightspeed
Click on “System,”
Click “Subscriptions,”
Enable the “LV/PSM Customer Data” integration
NOTE: Lightspeed API Process runs every 6 hours: 8am, 2pm, 8pm, 2am EST
Admin Control Panel > SETUP Tab> Unit Alerts - Inventory Update:
TEXT COLOR - Select a Font Color that contrasts and is easy to see against the Back color
BACK COLOR - Select a color that matches the colors on the dealer’s website
SRP Inline Tile Enabled = ENABLED. Feature only available on dealer websites that have LIST VIEW on their Inventory List Page (ILP / SRP). Will not display on tile view.
Confirm the FROM NAME
Send a Test Email
Send a Test Text
Status = ACTIVE (Once Email & Text are approved by dealer)
Click SAVE
Admin Control Panel > SETUP Tab> Unit Alerts - Price Drop:
VDP Button/ Link Color -
If BUTTON - This is the font color and it should contrast the BUTTON COLOR so that it is readable
If LINK - This is the font color and should contrast the WEBSITE BACKGROUND color so that it is readable
Website Modal Button Color
If BUTTON - This is the color of the button that appears on the site and should be a contrasted color to the font color
If LINK - This will only apply to the SUBMIT button on the form and will not be visible anywhere else on the site
Display Type
DealerSpike & ARI - Should be set to BUTTON
Confirm the FROM NAME
Send a Test Email
Send a Test Text
Status = ACTIVE (Once Email & Text are approved by dealer)
Click SAVE
*The packages vary based on platform.
Featured Inventory Email (Weekly or bi-weekly) - Inventory Integration and script
Email Retargeting –
Inventory - Inventory Integration and script
Dealer Value - Why Buy From Us
Service - Include a coupon/offer
PG&A - Include a coupon/offer
Offer Email (1-to-1 Style, i.e. Buy Back from Sales Mgr) - CRM Integration Available - Website Tracking Script - Pre-recorded training video for dealer sales dept
Unit Purchase Follow-up Email Sequence - PSM has default sequence built, but we don't receive DMS data on 'unit' transaction, so dealers must trigger it.
Sales & Referral
Done-For-You Newsletter (Monthly) - We send one newsletter using a Themed Template, includes items from FB and website (events, website banners, etc.)
Re-engagement - Better default engagement offering or menu of offerings. Consider implementing a Sunset list
Unit Alerts: Price Drop & Inventory Update - NEW!
Reporting - Monthly Full Marketing Automation Report
Reporting Calls
Featured Inventory Email (Weekly or bi-weekly) - Inventory Integration and script
Email Retargeting –
Inventory - Inventory Integration and script
Service OR PG&A - Include a coupon/offer
Offer Email (1-to-1 Style, i.e. Buy Back from Sales Mgr) - CRM Integration Available - Website Tracking Script - Pre-recorded training video for dealer sales dept
Unit Purchase Follow-up Email Sequence - PSM has default sequence built, but we don't receive DMS data on 'unit' transaction, so dealers must trigger it.
Sales & Referral
Service OR PG&A
Re-engagement - Better default engagement offering or menu of offerings. Consider implementing a Sunset list
Unit Alerts: Price Drop & Inventory Update - NEW!
Reporting - Monthly Full Marketing Automation Report
Reporting Calls
Featured Inventory Email (Weekly or bi-weekly) - Inventory Integration and script
Email Retargeting –
Inventory - Inventory Integration and script
Re-engagement - Better default engagement offering or menu of offerings. Consider implementing a Sunset list
Reporting - Monthly Full Marketing Automation Report
*Option offered to Platinum & Gold packages.
Creative & Bi-Annual Refresh (Reminder automated email sent out to account manager, creative team, & AEM support team.)
Enhanced Integration - Platform Activities
Featured Inventory Email (Weekly or bi-weekly) - Inventory Integration and script
Email Retargeting –
Inventory - Inventory Integration and script
Service AND Parts (1 email) - Include a coupon/offer
Offer Email (1-to-1 Style, i.e. Buy Back from Sales Mgr) - CRM Integration Available - Website Tracking Script - Pre-recorded training video for dealer sales dept
Unit Purchase Follow-up Email Sequence - PSM has default sequence built, but we don't receive DMS data on 'unit' transaction, so dealers must trigger it.
Sales & Referral
Dealer Value Email
Done-For-You Newsletter (Monthly) - We send one newsletter using a Themed Template, includes items from FB and website (events, website banners, etc.)
Re-engagement - Better default engagement offering or menu of offerings. Consider implementing a Sunset list
Reporting - Monthly Full Marketing Automation Report
Reporting Calls
Featured Inventory Email (Weekly or bi-weekly) - Inventory Integration and script
Email Retargeting –
Inventory - Inventory Integration and script
Service AND Parts (1 email) - Include a coupon/offer
Offer Email (1-to-1 Style, i.e. Buy Back from Sales Mgr) - CRM Integration Available - Website Tracking Script - Pre-recorded training video for dealer sales dept
Dealer Value Email
Re-engagement - Better default engagement offering or menu of offerings. Consider implementing a Sunset list
Reporting - Monthly Full Marketing Automation Report
Reporting Calls
Featured Inventory Email (Weekly or bi-weekly) - Inventory Integration and script
Email Retargeting –
Inventory - Inventory Integration and script
Re-engagement - Better default engagement offering or menu of offerings. Consider implementing a Sunset list
Reporting - Monthly Full Marketing Automation Report
The following Email Types are enabled based on the dealer’s website platform & package level. See the Platform Basecamp project for more details/descriptions.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT change the Email NAME (not the subject line, that is editable with no issues) to ensure the dealer reporting is not broken.
Featured Inventory
Retargeting Email – Sales One to One Offer
Retargeting Email - Dealer Value Email
Retargeting Email – Inventory
Retargeting Email - Service
Retargeting Email - PG&A
Unit Purchase Follow-up Sales & Referral Sequence Emails
Unit Purchase Follow-up Service
Unit Purchase Follow-up PG&A
Featured Inventory
Email Retargeting - Inventory
Email Retargeting - Dealer Value
Email Retargeting - Service & Parts Sequences
Log In To The Dealer Control Panel:
Click on the Firestorm Email or Marketing Automation button
Enabling Featured Inventory Email
Co-Op Configuration:
EMAIL HEADER: Submit a case in Salesforce to the “DS/ARI Design” Queue requesting eligible co-op headers that feature each individual brand - Up to 2 max at a time
Queue must be “DS/ARI Design”
Case name must follow: “AEM - Co-op Header for [OEM-Brands]”
Replace the [OEM-Brands] with the dealer-specific brands.
Please leave the following notes: MUST include brand logo in a white ‘negative space.’
Additionally, let the design team know what the primary industry is for the dealer. (Off-Road Powersports, PWC, Marine, Heavy Equipment, etc.)
A mock design of the OEM logo within a negative space.
CREATE & ENABLE CO-OP FEATURED INVENTORY EMAILS: Create up to 2 different Featured Inventory Email configurations using the following information:
Email Title: Co-op Email - [OEM-Brand]
Replace the [OEM-Brand] with the dealer-specific brands (eg. Co-op Email - Honda).
Enable co-op checkbox and select the corresponding brand from the drop-down list
Verify Co-op Requirements and populate DBA & Disclaimer fields as applicable.
Select an appropriate cadence:
If dealer is co-oping with one OEM, use the default Frequency of Weekly
If dealer is co-oping with two OEMs, ensure that there is no overlap of email Frequency (eg. set both featured inventory email configurations to bi-weekly, and have one go out one week prior to the other. This will prevent the bombardment of emails for the customers.
Subject: Be creative. Feel free to include mentions of the OEM brand in the subject line (please use appropriate trademarking where applicable).
Custom Header Image Link: Ensure that this link directs to the OEM-specific inventory page. If none exists - direct them to the homepage
FIE CRITERIA: Add criteria filters to ensure the featured inventory email ONLY includes inventory from the corresponding OEM brand. Verify that the filter is working.
CO-OP REPORT: Create Co-op Report in NinjaCat (up to 2 max) - one for each brand
Log Into NinjaCat and search for dealer’s account (if NEW account, you’ll need to ADD ACCOUNT first)
Once the account has been found/created, you can begin to create the automated monthly reports.
Add Report in the “Reports” section of the account by clicking on the + icon on the right hand site
TEMPLATE: AEM Co-op Report - [Co-Op Brand]
Schedule Type: Monthly
Day of Month: 8th
Example: {ACCOUNT_NAME} AEM Co-op Report - Honda ({REPORT_DATE_RANGE})
Email Mode: Automatic
Email Recipients Mode: Multiple Recipients
Email Recipients: Add the email address for the dealer that is set-up to recieve standard monthly reporting in Super User Control Panel (AdminCP)
MUST INCLUDE the Salesforce Email in all reports:
Example: {ACCOUNT_NAME} AEM Co-op Report - Honda ({REPORT_DATE_RANGE})
EXAMPLE REPORT: For any questions, view the reports in the account for “Tia’s Test Site” in NinjaCat to verify that you have the correct information.
Hit “Save Changes”
Select ‘Featured Inventory Email Set up’
Add New Featured Inventory.
Dealership, dates, time zone, ‘From email’, header, etc. are all correct/populated
Go to dealer’s website and to review their inventory.
Update the ‘Max Vehicles to Include’ that reflect 1/3 of their inventory (not to exceed 20),
IE: if they have 15 units, change ‘max’ to 5NOTE: If Platform is IRV you will change max to 5 units
Click the ‘Featured Inventory Criteria’ button
You’re receiving inventory feed
Number of units to feature is correct
Maximum Year/Make/Model for Duplicates is updated
Any additional criteria requested by dealer is configured
CO-OP: If dealer wants co-op be sure to set the criteria for that brand specifically and verify that only units for that brand are showing as featured.
‘Sort order’ is Ascending
If any changes were made click ‘Update’ (not SAVE or RESET)
Click ‘Return to Setup’ button
Click the enable box
Select Dealer Time Zone
Select Max Vehicles
Verify FROM Email Address
Enable co-op checkbox if dealer wants Co-op for this email, and select BRAND
Verify Co-op Requirements and populate DBA & Disclaimer fields as applicable.
Add 'all inventory' link to custom header image link section
Click SAVE
Enabling Re-Engagement Email
From the Automated Emails screen click ‘Re-engagement Strategy’
Click ‘Send Test’
Verify the information is accurate on the test email.
If correct click the ‘Active’ box and ‘Save’.
Enabling Retargeting - Inventory
From the Firestorm Email Dashboard click ‘Email Retargeting Setup’
All information is prepopulated, you just need to click the ‘active’ box and ‘Save’.
Enabling Retargeting Sequences
Email retargeting – Sales One to One Offer (may be listed as trade in value’ email – update if so)
From the Automated Emails screen click “Create New Sequence” OR use one of the existing templates
If using an existing template:
Select the email sequence you would like to set up
Click edit
Ensure the highlighted pre-populated information above is accurate and make any changes the dealer may have requested.
Proof email
One space from the top of the email
Tahoma font size 11
Correct place holders in email signature: Signature, website, & phone
Phone number placeholder is in body of email
Send yourself a test
Verify footer is accurate
Send Test Email
Once test email received – verify all information is correct and the link(s) are working
Send Test to Dealer for Approval
Once approval is received you will set the email to active
Set the email to active under the status drop down.
Link the email to the corresponding department from the Automated Email screen
Click ‘Connect Sequence to Website Tracking’
Participant List
When the unit sold list has been received from the dealer, you’ll upload it to the participant tab:
• From the Automated Sequence screen click the ‘Participants’ tab
From here the dealer will select how they want to enter their participants o Choose Existing Customer
Search and click ‘add’ once found
Fill out requested information
Add New Customer
Enter requested data (see screenshot)
Click ‘Add Participant’
Add Participants Via Upload
Must be a CSV file
Must contain columns for the data specified in the screenshot below
Click ‘Browse’Select your CSV file
Map your headers
Click ‘Upload’
Click ‘Save and Close’
Creating a New Sequence
From the automated email screen select ‘Create New Sequence’
Name the Sequence, set to active, & click Save:
Click ‘Add New Drip Email
Compose Email
Name email – this is for the dealer to access
From Name – Dealer provides
From Email Address – Dealer provides
Email Subject – What the customer will see
Trigger type – How often the email deploys
Interval – This determines how long after the trigger date the email deploys
*In the example above, this email will go out the day the participant is uploaded into the system. 0 (interval) days after (trigger type).
Currently the system requires the dealer to upload a participant individually or in a list. We suggest they select someone IE: reception or sales team member. The selected employee would be responsible for entering/uploading the participant or participant list, at the end of each business day.
Create Email Body:
Enter 1 space from the top
Use Tahoma font, 11pt
Insert ‘First Name’ placeholder
Create your email copy
*Inform dealer they must include these placeholders when uploading a participant list.
Add ‘Hey’ in the First Name placeholder box – this will insert ‘Hey’, when first name is not in the system.
Send yourself a test
Proof test email & send to the dealer for approval
Click ‘Save and Continue’
Sales Customer Automation
You’ll jump back to the Business Info tab to connect the Sales Customer
Automation (DMS integration) to the Sales, Service, & Parts Sequences
Click the plus sign in the center of the Sales Customer Automation box
Add Sequence email associated with package level (refer to package description and order to know which to populate)
Click dropdown
Select Sequence
Click green checkmark
Repeat until the correct emails are reflected in the box
Platinum Package example:
Adding Departments/URL Keywords
Click on the ‘Business Information’ Button on the Dealers side of the control panel
Make sure the ‘Departments’ tab is selected.
You only need one department for Sales (you do not need new & p-o). You’ll click the edit pencil and remove the word ‘New’ to make it just ‘Sales’.
Pull up the dealer’s current website and click on all sections that pertain to sales, IE: new/used inventory, trade-in, finance, showroom, sales, etc. and click within that url. Example: from the homepage >>click New Inventory>>click on a unit. The idea is to have the least amount of keywords. If there is ONE common word found in all URLs that is a KEYWORD. If you use the word ‘new’ as a keyword, and the dealership is named ‘Motorcycles of New Haven’, new will be in EVERY URL (non-sales related tabs), therefore you do not want to use that. You want to find the ones that are unique to sales.
Example: under the inventory tab, there are several tabs. You will click on each tab and see if there is a common word between them all. Then you click on a unit: 1200-custom-1hd1ct315hc438958/>> : Click on a unit:
You will also want to add any financing tab key words, ie:
Copy your keyword
Go back to the dealer control panel
Click ‘Add New URL’
Paste the keyword, that you copied earlier, into the URL Keyword box.
Click update and continue to add
Click the toggle arrow under ‘Dept’ and select the department you would like to associate the ‘URL Keyword’ to.
Repeat these steps for each ‘Department’ / ‘Keyword’ you would like to add.
Loading An Email List
From the CP Dashboard
Click ‘Lists’ button
Click ‘+Add New List’
Check yes, your list meets standards & click ‘continue’
List must be a CSV file
‘Browse’ & select your list
Click ‘Continue’
Identify the headers with the dropdown
*You must have a first name column in the spreadsheet, even if you don’t have first names.
Click ‘Continue’
Select the group you would like to add the email to. It will always be ‘Everyone’ for AEM clients
Click ‘Continue’ at the bottom of the screen
The summary screen will show that the list is processing and you can hit ‘Complete’. The list may take a few minutes to process.
Set Sequence Emails to Active & Website Tracking
Link the Sequence to the Corresponding Department -
Click the green pencil icon to edit the SALES department (for the One to One offer email)
Click the dropdown to select the email (or the corresponding department to the appropriate email, IE: service to service, parts to parts).
Verify your keywords are set-up
Verify the expiry dates
Department Reset (Days) = 45 days
Automated/CRM Email (Days) = 60 days
Going Live
Check Package Level and Enable All Emails Associated with that Package
Enable Featured Inventory email once ready to go live
Enable Email Retargeting (Inventory) email in Dealer Control Panel
Enable re-engagement email
Enable Sales One-to-One Offer Email
Enable Dealer Value Email
ADD ON - Enable Unit Purchase Follow Up Sales/Service/Parts Sequences
Enable Service and/or Parts Retargeting Email
AEM Set-up Complete
Email client notifying them their Automated Email Marketing Package is Live
Set 'Start Date' in Dynamics (This will populate the Billing Date) & Change 'Status Reason' to Live
Mark dealer live on AEM Fulfillment Tracker & let team know in AEM Chat (teams)
AEM Cancellation/Offboarding
When the Task hits the AEMSupport email and is one of your dealers, check the date on the Cancel Request by clicking on the highlighted text.
Check the Billing Change Notes and Product Change Notes for information. (see attached examples)
Enter pertinent information on the Cancellations tab of the AEM Fulfillment Tracker: Dealer Name, Cancel Order #, Date Cancel Order Entered, Date Cancellation Approved, and Reason for Cancellation.
Inform AEM Team Lead cancellation has been completed and AEM turned off
Disable Admin Control Panel & Update Dealer Control Panel
To Do On Last Date When Terminating Account
Set ALL Automated Emails to Inactive
Featured Inventory, Inventory Retargeting, Sales one-to-one Offer, Dealer Value, Reengagement, & all Sold Unit Sequences
Change AEM package level to 'None' in Admin Control Panel
Remove dealer from Automated Reminder Email participant list
Set Website to InActive
Set Website Tracking to InActive
Set VDP email to InActive
Set Third Party Website to 'None'
Remove website endpoint if applicable
Set Import 3rd Party Inventory to 'No'
Uncheck reporting box and Save under 'Dealer Contacts'
From 'Website' tab - set website to inactive
Set Dealer Account Status To Inactive(ONLY If Package is None and Sharp Shooter Enabled is No)Click Website from dropdown under Dealership tab
Click 'edit' for 3rd party feed siteUncheck 'Active' box
Click Update
If integrated
For all DMS integration:
From External Information remove all DMS identifiers
If Lightspeed (in addition to removing DMS #):
Send email to to cancel LeadVenture Customer Data Integration(PSM)
Uncheck Lightspeed Integration Opt-In box
Delete LV Suite ID number from Admin CP under External info
Actions for Downgrading(Changing AEM Package)
Update package level in Control Panel
Set emails no longer included to Inactive or Disable
Delete sequence emails no longer needed from Sales Customer Automation under Business Info in Dealer CP
Unlink Retargeting Emails no longer needed under Business Information