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WIP - So you’ve found yourself with a Fulfillment Request to Onboard a Net Driven SEO Package. Let’s take a peek under the hood to see how this SEO engine turns.

 What comes in each package?


Ongoing Keyword Research 

Monthly Reporting 

Monthly Content Writing (1/mo)

Service Catalog Optimization 

Ongoing SEO Optimization of Pages 

Ongoing Internal Linking 

Google Search Console Monitoring 


All of Silver 

Additional monthly content piece 

Review Response 

Website Review Tool

Premium Directory Management (PDM) via Uberall 

Team Responsibilities:

SEO Team:

  • Auto Repair Catalog Intro Text

  • Coupons Page Intro Text

  • Top Page Optimizations

  • Meta Optimization

  • H1 Optimization

  • Ongoing Internal Linking

  • Spam Link Monitoring

  • Google Search Console Monitoring

  • Monthly Reporting

  • Keyword List Maintenance

Content Team:

  • Service and Category Page Content Writing

  • Blog Articles

  • Location Page Content

  • Custom Page Creation

Other Teams:

  • Reputation Management - Net Driven Social Media Team

  • PDM - Leadventure PDM Department

 Anatomy of the SEO Process in Salesforce

Finding your tasks in Salesforce and the Anatomy of a Fulfillment Order vs Fulfillment Request vs Ongoing Fulfillment

What is a Fulfillment Order?

A Fulfillment Order in Salesforce is what is generated at the time of sale after Billing has been processed. Once Billing has processed, a record called a Fulfillment Order will be generated automatically. This Fulfillment Order contains all the workable records for each product sold at that time.

What is a Fulfillment Request?

A Fulfillment Request is the workable record located within the Fulfillment Order. The Fulfillment Requests, or FRs, will be assigned to each respective team by default. This represents what needs to be done for each individual product.

What is a Fulfillment Task?

The Fulfillment Task represents each fulfillment item that must be completed in order for fulfillment of the purchased product to be satisfied. Fulfillment Tasks are unique in that they can exist in both Fulfillment Requests and Ongoing Fulfillment Records.

What is an Ongoing Fulfillment Record?

See step 8 for comprehensive set up documentation for Ongoing Fulfillments. This is the responsibility of our team to set up. This type of record is separate from the above records. It represents the work that must be done each month in order to satisfy our monthly commitment.


 Step 1: Add to Active Client List
  • Add Dealer name and website to the last line on this document in Columns A and B, respectively.

  • List the package Level in Column J - Product

  • List the month and year of onboarding in Column K - Start Date

 Step 2: Google Analytics

Now we must find which Account contains the Google Analytics Property.

  1. Login to PasswordState while logged into the VPN

  2. Find the ND GA4 Viewer Account -

  3. Login to that account

  4. Go to

  5. Search your URL

  6. Note which account the URL is in, pictured here

 Step 3: Google Search Console
  1. While logged into, navigate to the Google Search Console property

  2. Verify Google Search Console if needed

    1. Ensure that GSC is in

    2. Submit Sitemap

    3. Set Performance tab to 12 months and Export Keyword List, if keyword research is required

Exporting the keyword list will be important later. See Step 4: Initial Keyword Research: Building a Seed List for instructions on this.

 Step 4: Check that 404s redirect to homepage

A user might get a 404 server error when the page could not be found at the link they’re trying to navigate to. In order to avoid potential users from encountering this error, we must make sure that 404s are set to redirect to our homepage.

  1. Login to the website

  2. In the left panel, hover over the gear icon

  3. Click SEO

  4. Under General Settings, make sure the Site Homepage button is clicked

  5. Click Save


 Step 5: Ninjacat: Account Creation and Report Set Ups

Adding Ninjacat Account

  1. Go to the Ninjacat Login 

  2. Click Accounts 

  3. Add Account in the top right 

  4. Fill out all the appropriate information as thoroughly as possible 

    1. Download the logo image from the website and upload it

    2. Under both Primary Contact and External ID, paste the Salesforce ID of the SEO Package as shown here

  5. Towards the bottom, select the appropriate package level as well as All Dealers 

  6. Select the Account Owner, which will be the CS Rep

  7. Leave Tags blank 

  8. Click Add Account 

Configuring Data Sources

  1. Under Data Sources, click the plus icon

  2. Configure Google Analytics 4 Data Source

    1. Select Google Analytics 4

    2. When the following pops up, select “Google Analytics 4”

    3. Find which Account contains the client’s GA4 Property and select the Account and Property in Ninjacat

    4. Set the Measurement ID

    5. Click Advanced

    6. Under Google Analytics 4 Mapping, click the dropdown and select Event Custom Parameters, if this is not already listed

    7. Click Connect



  3. Configure Google Search Console Data Source

    1. Repeat step 1 and select Google Search Console as the Data Source

    2. When the following pops up, select Search Console - ND GA4 Viewer in Google Search Console Network after ensuring that the property is in

    3. Select the correct account

    4. Click Connect


Set up SEO Report

  1. Next to Reports, click the Plus Sign icon

  2. Under Template, select SEO Report 5.2

  3. Under Schedule select the following:

    1. Schedule Type - Monthly

    2. Repeat (Month) - 1

    3. Day of Month - 1

      1. Deselect all other days

    4. Time 5:00AM (This gives time after the keyword import before the report generates)


  5. Under Email, set the following:

    1. E-mail Mode - Automatic Email

    2. E-mail Recipients Mode - Multiple

    3. E-mail Recipients


      2. The Client’s email (Found in Salesforce under Related Contacts). Choose the email(s) marked Primary

      3. The CS Rep’s email (Found in Salesforce under Account Team)

    4. Attachment Mode - Include


  1. Leave Email Body blank

  2. Click Save Changes

 Step 6: Initial Keyword Research: Building a Seed List

Click here for instructions on building your seed list.

 Step 7: Accuranker

Click here for instructions on how to set up an Accuranker Domain.

Remember to add the location before importing keywords. Also, remember to set the search engine to Google and Device to Mobile.

 Step 8: Creating an Optimization Plan in Salesforce

Build a Content Optimization Plan

Time to tie everything into an action plan with trackable performance variables. Changes should be evaluated on an ongoing basis. The purpose of this step is to create a concrete plan of action for your client’s website. After you have completed your initial keyword research, you will analyze the data and decide what to focus on, initially creating a 6-month plan.

  1. Check for Seasonality

    1. Some keywords do better at different times of year. Snow Tires and AC Repair are great examples of keywords with massive spikes in different times of year

    2. When you identify these keywords, you will want to schedule those 3-6 months prior to their peak to give the pages time to index and grow authority

    3. In order to check for seasonality within Accuranker, …

  2. Focus on the main services

  3. Get quick wins (Low Difficulty, High Opportunity)

    1. After evaluating the time-sensitive keyword opportunities, we will want to look for high-value, low-difficulty keywords to grow the organic traffic quickly.

    2. Look for keywords which have good search volume, but perhaps are ranking between position 6 and 20. These are your low-hanging fruit.

  4. Lowest-Priority (High Volume Competitive Keywords)

  5. Reevaluate on the 6-month mark

  6. Add your plan to Salesforce.

How to Add Optimization Plan to Salesforce

  1. Navigate to the Client Account

  2. Under Related List Quick Links, on the right side of the screen, click Show All

  3. Click Fulfillment Work Done, usually located in the bottom right

  4. Click New

  5. Set Status to Planned

 Step 9: Assign yourself to the Account Team as the SEO Rep
  1. Go to your Related List Quick Links and click Account Team (you may need to click Show All

  2. Click Add Team Members


  3. Fill in the highlighted fields below with your name, SEO, Net Driven, and Active


  4. Click Save at the bottom

 Step 10: Update TDA Pixel

Identify Client Service Catalog

The Content Team has a report which pulls in every client under each service catalog, whether they have Web Power, Web Power TSN, Web Power Tire Pros, or Net Driven.

We have a place to note this information so that it can be pulled into a report that shows all clients of a particular catalog.

This information is stored in "Digital Marketing Profile" under the Client’s Account.

  1. Under Related List Quick Links on the Client Account (make sure it’s the same account that has the Ongoing Fulfillment!), Click Digital Marketing Profiles

  2. Click New

  3. Scroll down to "TDA Pixel" at the bottom

  4. Add "Service Catalog: #"

    1. Replace # with the correct service catalog below. Format it exactly as shown since the report looks for the text:

      1. Net Driven

      2. Web Power

      3. Web Power TSN

      4. Web Power Tire Pros

      5. If they have no service catalog or one that is not one of the above, type Service Catalog: N/A


 Step 11: Add to the Client Data Platform (CDP)
 Step 12: Set up Ongoing Fulfillment Tasks in Salesforce

Now we must set up an Ongoing Fulfillment Record so that our tasks fire off monthly for the SEO and Content Teams.

  1. Navigate to the client’s account in Salesforce

  2. Under Related List Quick Links, click Show All at the bottom

  3. Click Ongoing Fulfillments

  4. Click the Ongoing Fulfillment Name (first column) next to Net Driven SEO

  5. Set the following fields

    1. Owner - Assign it to whoever the SEO rep is suppose to be (usually yourself unless otherwise specified)

    2. Start Date - Set to the date you are onboarding (today)

    3. End Date - Adjust to a far future date so tasks will keep triggering

    4. Active - Check off the box (When offboarding, we will simply remove the active status. Do not worry about setting it too far ahead)

    5. Click Save

  6. After you click save, scroll down to Fulfillment Schedules

  7. We must create two of them, so click New

  8. Set the following fields for the first Fulfillment Schedule

    1. Name - Monthly On-site SEO (Make sure name is always set the same. This is important for KPI reporting)

    2. Start Date - Today (if before the start of the month the task needs to trigger)

    3. Frequency - Monthly

    4. Recurrence Date - 1st

    5. Ignore the highlighted Fulfillment Schedule Template in the image below. Do not fill that out

    6. Click Save

  9. Set the following fields for the Second Fulfillment Schedule

    1. Fulfillment Schedule Name - SEO Package - Monthly Content

    2. Start Date - Today (if before the start of the month the task needs to trigger)

    3. Frequency - Monthly

    4. Recurrence Date - 1st

    5. Ignore the highlighted Fulfillment Schedule Template in the image below. Do not fill that out

    6. Click Save

  10. Click into the Monthly On-site SEO Template you just created

  11. Next to Related Fulfillment Task Templates, click New

    1. Set the task template to FTT-0093

    2. Click Save

  12. Go into the SEO Package Content Fulfillment Schedule and repeat Step 11 with the following differences

    1. Set the task template to FTT-0094 and click Save

    2. If this client has a Gold SEO Package or you were informed that they have extra content per month, also add another task template FTT-2882 for their second content piece

    3. For a third content piece, if applicable, use FTT-2883

    4. Click Save


For TCS Legacy Migration Clients, go into their TCS Ongoing Fulfillment and remove the Active Checkbox and change the End Date to Today

 Step 13: Close Setup Tasks in Salesforce

Finally, we have to close our tasks.

  1. Return to the account

  2. Under Related Quick Links, click Fulfillment Requests

  3. Open up the Net Driven SEO Fulfillment Request for Setup

  4. Scroll down to Fulfillment Tasks

  5. Open Onboard SEO Package in a new tab

  6. Next to Owner, click the icon on the right to change the owner to yourself

  7. Click the x next to the current task owner and then start typing your name until it pops up and click it

  8. Click Change Owner

  9. Go back to the Fulfillment Request

  10. Scroll down to Fulfillment Tasks and click the checkbox to select all tasks

  11. Click Close (Complete)

  12. Click Save on the box that pops up

  13. Click OK on the box that pops up

  14. Close the Fulfillment Request by updating the highlighted fields below (Set Go Live Actual Date to Today)


For TCS Legacy Migrations, repeat this process with the TCS SEO Takedown Fulfillment Request

 Step 14: Time for Quality Assurance

Now that the work is complete, your “Quality Assurance” Fulfillment Task must be assigned to your designated “QA Buddy.”

Whoever is assigned the QA task will go through each step of onboarding with a fine toothed comb, noting any errors in a list on the QA task.

Once the assigned team member completes the QA, they will tag the person who completed the fulfillment in Chatter with notes, if any.

Once any necessary changes have been made by the person onboarding, the QA task can be closed and the Fulfillment Request can be closed.