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titleStep 4: Check that 404s redirect to homepage

A user might get a 404 server error when the page could not be found at the link they’re trying to navigate to. In order to avoid potential users from encountering this error, we must make sure that 404s are set to redirect to our homepage.

  1. Login to the website

  2. In the left panel, hover over the gear icon

  3. Click SEO

  4. Under General Settings, make sure the Site Homepage button is clicked

  5. Click Save


titleStep 5: Ninjacat: Account Creation and Report Set Ups

Adding Ninjacat Account

  1. Go to the Ninjacat Login 

  2. Click Accounts 

  3. Add Account in the top right 

  4. Fill out all the appropriate information as thoroughly as possible 

    1. Download the logo image from the website and upload it

    2. Under both Primary Contact and External ID, paste the Salesforce ID of the SEO Package as shown here

  5. Towards the bottom, select the appropriate package level as well as All Dealers 

  6. Select the Account Owner, which will be the CS Rep

  7. Leave Tags blank 

  8. Click Add Account 

Configuring Data Sources

  1. Under Data Sources, click the plus icon

  2. Configure Google Analytics 4 Data Source

    1. Select Google Analytics 4

    2. When the following pops up, select “Google Analytics 4”

    3. Find which Account contains the client’s GA4 Property and select the Account and Property in Ninjacat

    4. Set the Measurement ID

    5. Click Advanced

    6. Under Google Analytics 4 Mapping, click the dropdown and select Event Custom Parameters, if this is not already listed

    7. Click Connect



  3. Configure Google Search Console Data Source

    1. Repeat step 1 and select Google Search Console as the Data Source

    2. When the following pops up, select Search Console - ND GA4 Viewer in Google Search Console Network after ensuring that the property is in

    3. Select the correct account

    4. Click Connect


Set up SEO Report

  1. Next to Reports, click the Plus Sign icon

  2. Under Template, select SEO Report 5.2

  3. Under Schedule select the following:

    1. Schedule Type - Monthly

    2. Repeat (Month) - 1

    3. Day of Month - 15

      1. Deselect all other days

    4. Time 5:00AM (This gives time after the keyword import before the report generates)

      nc7.PNGImage Removedreportdate.PNGImage Added


  5. Under Email, set the following:

    1. E-mail Mode - Automatic Email

    2. E-mail Recipients Mode - Multiple

    3. E-mail Recipients


      2. The Client’s email (Found in Salesforce under Related Contacts). Choose the email(s) marked Primary

      3. The CS Rep’s email (Found in Salesforce under Account Team)

    4. Attachment Mode - Include


  1. Leave Email Body blank

  2. Click Save Changes

titleStep 6: Initial Keyword Research: Building a Seed List

Click here for instructions on building your seed list.

titleStep 7: Accuranker

Click here for instructions on how to set up an Accuranker Domain.


Remember to add the location before importing keywords. Also, remember to set the search engine to Google and Device to Mobile.


titleStep 11: Add to the Client Data Platform (CDP)

/wiki/spaces/DMS/pages/4348280871View instructions to add to the CDP here

titleStep 12: Set up Ongoing Fulfillment Tasks in Salesforce

Now we must set up an Ongoing Fulfillment Record so that our tasks fire off monthly for the SEO and Content Teams.

  1. Navigate to the client’s account in Salesforce

  2. Under Related List Quick Links, click Show All at the bottom

  3. Click Ongoing Fulfillments

  4. Click the Ongoing Fulfillment Name (first column) next to Net Driven SEO

  5. Set the following fields

    1. Owner - Assign it to whoever the SEO rep is suppose to be (usually yourself unless otherwise specified)

    2. Start Date - Set to the date you are onboarding (today)

    3. End Date - Adjust to a far future date so tasks will keep triggering

    4. Active - Check off the box (When offboarding, we will simply remove the active status. Do not worry about setting it too far ahead)

    5. Click Save

  6. After you click save, scroll down to Fulfillment Schedules

  7. We must create two of them, so click New

  8. Set the following fields for the first Fulfillment Schedule

    1. Name - Monthly On-site SEO (Make sure name is always set the same. This is important for KPI reporting)

    2. Start Date - Today (if before the start of the month the task needs to trigger)

    3. Frequency - Monthly

    4. Recurrence Date - 1st

    5. Ignore the highlighted Fulfillment Schedule Template in the image below. Do not fill that out

    6. Click Save

  9. Set the following fields for the Second Fulfillment Schedule

    1. Fulfillment Schedule Name - SEO Package - Monthly Content

    2. Start Date - Today (if before the start of the month the task needs to trigger)

    3. Frequency - Monthly

    4. Recurrence Date - 1st

    5. Ignore the highlighted Fulfillment Schedule Template in the image below. Do not fill that out

    6. Click Save

  10. Click into the Monthly On-site SEO Template you just created

  11. Next to Related Fulfillment Task Templates, click New

    1. Set the task template to FTT-0093

    2. Click Save

  12. Go into the SEO Package Content Fulfillment Schedule and repeat Step 11 with the following differences

    1. Set the task template to FTT-0094 and click Save

    2. If this client has a Gold SEO Package or you were informed that they have extra content per month, also add another task template FTT-2882 for their second content piece

    3. For a third content piece, if applicable, use FTT-2883

    4. Click Save



For TCS Legacy Migration Clients, go into their TCS Ongoing Fulfillment and remove the Active Checkbox and change the End Date to Today
