Open SEO Package Tasks - Shows all SEO Rep Tasks and SEO Content Writer Tasks
MONTH SEO Content Tasks, Exc. Juniper - Shows SEO Content Tasks for a given month that are open and haven’t been sent to Juniper. You must adjust the filter to the month you wish to focus on.
Fulfillment Task: Created Date should be the first of the month to the end of the month
After adjusting the filter, use “save as” to save the report, and rename it with the month
Remember to star/favorite the newly filtered report
SEO Content Tasks Closed - Shows all SEO Content Tasks that were closed for the current a given month
Content tasks closed by Juniper will appear under “Net Driven Content”
Step 1:
Determine SEO Content
Workflow with Fellow Writers
Every month, content tasks will generate for clients. The number of content tasks per client varies depending on which SEO Package the client has and if they purchased add-ons.
Before working, you must claim an SEO Content Task.
Visit the Open SEO Package Tasks Report in Salesforce.
Navigate to the Net Driven Content Queue
Click the Fulfillment Task Name (Content Piece 1, Content Piece 2, etc.) for a client
Claim the task(s)
It’s recommended that you claim all content tasks associated with a client if more than one exists.
You don’t need to work on the same clients every month, but feel free to claim clients who you are familiar with or who you would like to continue working on if they are available.Â
Step 2: Create Content
Before you can write, you need to know what you’re writing about When tasks generate, they are automatically assigned to “Net Driven Content”.
Tasks that will go to Juniper must have “Net Driven Content” as the owner.
For this reason, it is recommended that the following be done:
One writer will perform the Bulk Generation Process for service catalog content and share the updated sheet with their fellow writers. The work can then be divided. As an example, the Content Team might decide to send the first 50 rows to Person A, the second 50 rows to Person B, and so on. Each writer should remove the rows they don’t need.
Everyone will work from the same MONTH SEO Content Tasks, Exc. Juniper report. Use the search function in Salesforce (NOT ctrl+F) to locate the clients that are yours when working.
After service catalog work is completed, use the remaining tasks in the MONTH SEO Content Tasks, Exc. Juniper to divide work among the Content Writers. Some of these items will go to Juniper and others will be created and updated by the Writers depending on the request.
Sending Service Catalog Content to Juniper
To find this information, follow these steps: