Custom Brand Page/Make Grouping Feature
Document status | Complete |
Document owner | @TJ VanWert |
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Within the RV Library dealers have to ability to enabled which models for the specific brands that they sell. By enabling models in their Library, those manufacturers and brands will display wherever the brand macro is installed on the dealers website.
Within the Library, dealers are also able to add custom content for their brand pages to help them increase SEO for their website.
In addition to creating custom SEO content for themselves, they also have the ability to group brands together that are part of the same family. Some dealers may want to display all the available brands in the same family to make themselves appear larger. Other dealers that have a lot of brands may want to condense some of the brand families into one single brand where their users are able to see all that brand family on one brand page.
How Does it Work
Custom Content:
To add custom content to brand pages, you will first click on the Brand name in the left side bar. Then you will click the Advanced Tab, fill out each of the four fields below, and be sure to click Save.
Make Groups:
To group makes together so all brand families show together on one brand page. You will first start by clicking the Manufacturer name at the top of the left side bar, then clicking the Make Groups tab and then clicking the Add a New Make Group.
After clicking the Add a New Make Group button,
You will need to add a Group Name. (Required)
Fill out all the page content fields.
Check which brands you would like to include in the group, not all have to be selected, the dealers can control how many brands they want to include in the Make Group page. (Required)
Select which logo needs to be shown on the page. (Required)
Dealers only need to select Show Logo when they are displaying all brand logos in the macro rather than the manufacturer logo with brand drop down links. The Show Logo will do as it says, it will show a logo for the brands selected. If a dealer is wanting to group all brand into on page, they will only want to check one Show Logo not all of them.
Click Save
When clicking Save the process is cached so it will take up to 15 minutes for the Make Grouping to be completed and viewed on the dealers website.
Before and After Screenshots on the dealers website
There is no setup needed as all dealers have access to this feature within iCC.
Click the Delete icon on the Make Group page, this will ungroup all and remove the page from the dealers website.
Product Support
Read through the documentation to ensure all setup has been done properly
Check to ensure that a page has not been created in the CMS that would overwrite the content from the library brand screen.
The system will look to use the Library Brand Content first, but if someone has created a page within the CMS that matches the page name structure of the library it will ignore the content added on these pages and use the CMS page instead.