Adjusting GLP Settings

Adjusting GLP Settings

Under Construction

Editing GLP Button Text

The GLP button text can be edited on the “Pricing” tab of the domain node. Below, the GLP Button Text is edited as an example.



Enabling Show Price On GLP Submit

The “Show Price on GLP Submit” option can be enabled or disabled in the “Pricing” tab of the domain node. This will show the user the GLP price upon submission of a form on both the site and via email.




Editing GLP Email Templates

The path of GLP Email Templates can be edited in the “Pricing” tab of the domain node. These file paths should begin with the name of the account or interactrv by default. These values determine which email template is used to send the customer an email after they submit a GLP request. The “GLP Email Template” is sent by default. The “GLP Email Template Price” is sent when the “Show Price On GLP Submit” value is enabled.


Adding GLP Form Parameters

GLP form parameters can be added in two locations: the GLP form itself or in the developer tab of the site’s domain node. A non-default GLP form must be selected on the developer tab in order to add parameters.


Making edits on the form itself requires opening the code editor to view the form’s code. Edit or create new “input” HTML tags at the end of the form to apply new parameters or edit old parameters.



Form Parameters

The following form parameters can be applied to GLP forms. Note that these parameters are case sensitive!

FormType: The type of form submitted (e.g. Contact Us, Make Offer, etc.).  This is stored in the database (contact_activity table, info_tags column), and is also used to determine how the form should be handled. 

FormTypeOverride: This field is added automatically by the FormSnippet macro if the FormActivityType parameter is set. The value of this field will be stored along with the FormType in the info_tags column of the contact activity. It will also be used in the subject of lead notification emails. 

RedirectUrl: If set, the user will be redirected to this url after the form submission is complete. 

SuccessMessage: If the confirmation snippet/markup has an html element with the class ‘msg-holder’, this message will be placed within that element on successful form submission. 

SuccessBtnText: If the confirmation snippet/markup has an html element with the class ‘btn-text-holder’, this message will be placed within that element on successful form submission. 

AjaxTarget: The url to post the form to via AJAX.  This should be set to /Forms/Ajax.aspx 

ConfirmationId: The html ID of the snippet of markup to display in a colorbox after the form is submitted.  If the RedirectUrl hidden field is set, this value is not used. 

SourceDomain: Overrides the domain used for lead routing. This takes precedence over other forms of changing the domain such as the ‘s’ query string parameter. 

JournalTemplate: The full physical path to a razor template to use for saving the journal entry.  If not set, no journal entry will be created. 

SavedFormTemplate: The full physical path to the razor template used for saving/sending the form in PDF format.  This is used for credit apps. 

SavedFormOwnerPassword: The owner password used to protect the PDF.  This must be different than the user password.  To avoid making the password visible in the HTML, set this field to “{0}”, and set the FormsPdfOwnerPassword account-level property. 
If the account-level value is not used, and a custom password needs to be set, change the field name to “enc_SavedFormOwnerPassword” to encrypt the custom password value.  See Encrypted Form Fields below. 

SavedFormUserPassword: The user password used to protect the PDF.  This must be different than the owner password.  To avoid making the password visible in the HTML, set this field to “{0}”, and set the FormsPdfUserPassword account-level property. 
If the account-level value is not used, and a custom password needs to be set, change the field name to “enc_SavedFormUserPassword” to encrypt the custom password value.  See Encrypted Form Fields below. 

SavedFormAssetType: Saved PDF forms are stored as assets associated with the contact record.  This field sets the asset type for forms that are being saved to the CP.  ie. for credit apps, set to ContactCreditApp, but there must be a record in the asset type table. Valid values are ContactCreditApp, ContactTradeInForm, and ContactSavedForm. Use ContactSavedForm for anything that doesn’t fit in another category. The value of the FormType field is saved to the asset’s description, which will serve to differentiate between different kinds of ContactSavedForm assets. 

CustomerEmailAsText: A boolean value indicating whether the auto-response email sent to the customer should be sent as plain text or HTML.  By default it’s HTML to make it send as plain text set value “True”. (proper case) 

CustomerEmailTemplate: The full physical path to the razor template used to generate the auto-response email sent to the customer. If only a filename is given, it will look for the file in the {account_root_folder}\common\razor_templates folder. If no value is set then no auto-response is sent for this form. 

CustomerEmailSubject: The subject line of the auto-response email sent to the customer. The following tokens can be used to insert dynamic data: {brand}, {unitname}, and {websitedesc} 

AccountEmailAsText: A boolean value indicating whether the lead notification email sent to the account/dealer should be sent as plain text or HTML. By default it’s HTML to make it send as plain text set value “True”. (proper case) 

AccountEmailTemplate: The full physical path to the razor template used to generate the lead notification email sent to the account/dealer. If only a filename is given, it will look for the file in the {account_root_folder}\common\razor_templates folder.  The most commonly used template  is lead_generic.cshtml. If no value is set then no lead notification is sent for this form. 

AccountEmailSubject: The subject line of the lead notification email sent to the account/dealer. Use {lot} as a placeholder for the lot name and {default} as a placeholder for the default subject text. 

SendFormFileInAccountEmail: A boolean value indicating whether or not the saved form PDF file should be attached to the lead notification email sent to the account/dealer. By default it’s not sent, to send set value to “True”. (proper case) 

AccountOverRideEmail: If this is set, the lead notification email will be sent to this address, regardless of lead distribution settings and assigned salesperson. 
example: <input type="hidden" name="AccountOverRideEmail" value="bob@interactrv.com" /> 
note: This field accepts comma delimited values, if needed, for lead distribution (although, only the first value will be set as the “from” address) 

CustomerEmailFromDescription: Changes the description of the from email in the email sent to the customer. Defaults to account description if not provided. 

CustomerReplyToOverRideEmail:  The default Reply To email will be the same as the from email. Set this to specify a different Reply To email address on the email sent to the end user. 
example: <input type="hidden" name="CustomerReplyToOverRideEmail" value="test@example.com" /> 

NOTE: This setting used to be called “AccountReplyToOverRideEmail”, but the name was changed to eliminate confusion. 

CustomerEmailReplyToDescription: Changes the description of the reply-to email in the email sent to the customer. Defaults to “CustomerEmailFromDescription” setting, then account description if not provided. 

AccountCopyEmail: The lead notification email will be CC’d to this address. 
note: This field accepts comma delimited values, if needed, for lead distribution. 

Comments: Comments field displayed on the form. 

UnitId: The unit id of a unit to associate with this contact record.  This is usually set through the UnitId query string parameter, but the hidden field still needs to exist on the form for this to work. 

ForceLotId: Use this to force the contact record’s lot id to be set to a specific value on form submission.  This applies whether or not the contact already has a lot id assigned. However, it will not change lot id if the contact already has an assigned salesperson. 

ForceSalesmanId: Use this to force the contact record’s primary salesman id to be set to a specific value on form submission.  This does not apply if the contact already has a salesman id set. 

DontSaveToDb: Set to true to prevent data from being saved to the database.