Add/Remove Filter from Side Search

Add/Remove Filter from Side Search

This article will cover how to add and remove filters from the side search on SRP pages. It will also cover limitations we have in regards to which filters we have available and what we can do to adjust their appearance and order.

Open filtered-search snippet

To start making adjustments to the side search, we’re going to need to find the sidebar-main snippet. This snippet contains everything that the dealer has on display in the sidebar on SRPs – the search, as well as any other “ads” or CTAs they may want to display there.


Once you’ve opened the sidebar-main snippet, you should see another snippet within it called FilteredSearch. (Occasionally, this may be broken out into its own snippet called filtered-search that is linked in sidebar-main instead of being directly placed.) To edit the search filters, you’ll want to select “Edit FilteredSearch”.


Adding and Removing Specific Filters

Once you’ve opened the FilteredSearch snippet, it will present you with a list of the current filters for that site’s filtered search. Most settings here we should try not to touch, but we can adjust the filters as needed.

Adding a Filter

To add a filter that is not already on the list, we’ll need to navigate to the dropdown below the list of current filters. This dropdown contains all available filters that are not already in use by the dealer.

If the filter the dealer wants is not in the list, then we can not add it. The filter will also not appear in certain circumstances even after we add it (ex. they have no units with the data for that filter, you are looking at an SRP where all units have the SAME value for that filter, etc).

Once you’ve selected the field you wish to add from the dropdown, simply click the “Add Field” button next to the dropdown to add it to the list.

Once you click the button, it will be added to the list above. By default, the “Collapsed” checkbox will remain unchecked, so if you don’t want the list of options for this filter to be automatically displaying without expanding it, you’ll want to check off the “Collapsed” checkbox here.

If the dealer has specified where they’d like this filter to sit amongst the list of other filters, you can move it by hovering over the name of the filter on the left until a crosshairs cursor appears. Then, simply click and drag the filter until it sits wherever you need to place it on the list.

Once you’re satisfied with the placement and settings of the filter, hit “Submit” on the Select macro menu.

After that is saved, then Save & Publish the sidebar-main snippet. The filter should appear on the SRP within 10-15 minutes (caching can cause it to not appear instantly).

Removing a Filter

To remove a filter, simply find the filter you’re looking to remove on the list of filters, and click the “Remove” text on the right hand side of the box.

Once you click this, it will remove that particular filter from the list. Hit “Submit” at the bottom of the Select macro menu, and then Save & Publish the sidebar-main snippet. The filter should disappear from the SRP within 10-15 minutes (caching can cause it to not disappear instantly).

Rearranging Filter Order

If the dealer has specified where they’d like this filter to sit amongst the list of other filters, you can move it by hovering over the name of the filter on the left until a crosshairs cursor appears. Then, simply click and drag the filter until it sits wherever you need to place it on the list.

Once you’re satisfied with the placement and settings of the filter, hit “Submit” on the Select macro menu, then Save & Publish the sidebar-main snippet.

Collapsing or Expanding Filters

Dealers may want to have specific filters already expanded when you visit the page. Typically this setting is reserved for whatever filters they feel are the most commonly used, or will not extend the length of the page too far (or both).


Expanded filters will display this way by default – the list drops down beneath the category and the checkbox selections are visible when the page loads.


Collapsed filters will display this way by default – the user can see the name of the filter, but not the options to select from without clicking the “+” icon.

To change whether a filter displays expanded or collapsed by default, you simply have to check or uncheck the “Collapsed” box next to the item on the list in the snippet.

And, of course, once you make a change to the settings there, make sure you Submit and Save&Publish.

Common Requests We Cannot Do

Some items that we frequently get asked for that we cannot do:

  • Change the name of the filter (i.e. Weight → Dry Weight) or the parameters within that filter (i.e. changing the “buckets” for dollar amounts of Payments)

  • Add filters not on the list of filters we have available (i.e. “Dog Friendly”, shop by tag, etc)