Add Pre-Made Seasonal Banners

Add Pre-Made Seasonal Banners

This article explains where to find the pre-made seasonal content that design puts out every quarter, and how to grab the correct files to add to our Image Rotators. Please note that if any adjustments are needed to these files (i.e. words need to be changed, dates need to be added, size needs to be adjusted etc) then a request needs to go to Design to make a new version for you.

In order to find the current seasonal promotions available, you’ll need to go to the following folder:

Ignite Seasonal Promotions

Within this folder, you will find more folders that are labeled by quarter and year (i.e., Q1 2024, Q2 2024 … etc.). Depending on what is being asked for in the task, you will need to find the appropriate quarter’s folder that is relevant to the task at hand (i.e., a winter sale banner will most likely be in Q4 or possibly Q1).

Once you’ve opened the folder for the quarter, there will be a PDF file inside called the “Creative Deck” which shows the different offerings for that quarter, grouped by occasion. If your task says for you to use “WS2”, for example, you’ll want to check that PDF to confirm there is a “WS2”, and see what it looks like to confirm you have the right file.



Once you’ve determined which file you need, you’ll go back to the folder for the quarter, and select the folder that makes sense for the occasion your banner relates to. In our example, “WS2”'s occasion is “Winter” as it is a “Winter Sale” banner. So we would select the “Winter” folder.

Within the “Winter” folder, there are several folders that correspond to the “codes” in the PDF. We will need “Winter-Sale2” (WS2) for our example. Inside that folder, we will find the files we need, and can save out whichever ones we need for the site in question to use.


These files are all, by default, sized and formatted for a full-width banner. If a banner is needed for a different sized Image Rotator, design will need to assist in creating a banner that is the appropriate size. You should send a request to them with the specific size that is needed (either in pixels, or send them a link to a banner that is the correct size on the site in question). Additionally, if the request is to add more information or change wording on the banner, Design will also need to assist with that.