Upload Image
Follow these instructions to upload a new image to a page on ICC.
Add a New Image
Navigate to the page in ICC where you intend to add a new image. Click on the space where you want to add it. (Hint: it may be helpful to open the code editor and add some text where you want to add the image. You can highlight the text in the text editor and add an image to replace it).
Click on the “add image” icon to upload a new image.
Click “Add Image” to select and upload an image from your computer. Make sure to give the image a name/alt-text. Apply a link if necessary. When ready, hit “select” and then “Save and Publish”.
Replace an Existing Image
Find an image in ICC that you intend to replace. Click on the image and click “edit image”.
Select a new image to upload from your computer to replace the existing image.
Click “select” and then “Save and Publish”.