Automate (Sales Only)

Automate (Sales Only)

Document status

in progress

Target release

2022 / Q1

Epic Link

Type /Jira to add Jira epics and issues

Document owner

@TJ VanWert

Lean Canvas


Tech Prerequisites


Pricing & Packaging

Legacy Dealer = N/A

Silver Package = N/A

Gold Package =Currently For L5 Clients Only

Platinum Package = Currently For L5 Clients Only


Legacy Dealer = N/A

Silver Package = N/A

Gold Package = Currently For L5 Clients Only

Platinum Package = Currently For L5 Clients Only

Additional Confluence Links


Quick Links



This product allows dealers to see their sales and service transaction data as an activity type based on data from their Automate system. We capture specific fields regarding the sale or service transaction and display it within the contacts activity. This allows dealers to follow the customers progression from when they were shopping for an RV, what purchased they made, and what services they have had done since their purchase.



How Does it Work

We setup a data import sync specifically for Automate (similarly how we import unit data for the dealers inventory) but instead of unit data, we are receiving sales or service data and adding that data as a contact activity. For Automate we work with a 3rd party company called ProResponse that supplies us with a data file were we consume the data we need for Sales and Service activities.


Technical Details



User Story




User Story



Create a Sold Unit activity type.

As IRV I need to be able to create an activity type called Sold Unit and display within the Contact Activity screen so that a user can sort by Sold Units


For Sold Unit Data

 Display a Sold Date

As IRV I need to be able to display "Sold Date" field within the iCC screen for the Sold Unit Activity details 


For Sold Unit Data

Have the system check the ProResponse folder for files

As IRV I need to be able to pull the Sales/Service file from ProResponse FTP


For Sold Unit Data

Contact check to see if we need to create a new contact or add activity to a current contact in the dealers CP.

As IRV I need to check the contact info to see if we already have that contact in our system to add the additional sold activity or if we have to add the contact to our system and add the sold activity 


For Sold Unit Data

Finance/Sold Date

As IRV I need to be able to consume "ContractDate" field from Automate file and display that date inplaces of the Created Date


For Sold Unit Data

Cash Purchase

As IRV I need to be able to consume Cash Purchase as a Yes or No field, Yes if "CashorFinance" field displays "C". (Then hide the finance info that displays on the Sold Unit detail screen.) No, if "CashorFinance" field displays something other than "C". 


For Sold Unit Data

Finance Term

As IRV I need to be able to consume "Term" field from Automate file to display as the Term


For Sold Unit Data

Monthly Payment

As IRV I need to be able to consume "MonthlyPayment" field from Automate file to display as the Monthly Payment


For Sold Unit Data

Last Payment Date

As IRV I need to be able to consume "FirstPaymentDate" as the first payment date and "Term"  field then calculate to display as the Last Payment Date. The last scheduled payment date on the unit.


For Sold Unit Data

 User interaction and design

Activity Segment Search:

Sales Activity Details:


 Open Questions



Date Answered



Date Answered

Are we able to display any Sales or Service data from the dealers DMS that the dealer is requesting to see in their Command Center?

No, we are limited to what we are able to display within iCC.

Are we able to exclude activity data from exporting to CRM’s?

Yes, there are exclusions available in the lead exports to not send any data regarding sales or service transaction.


Additional Details



 Out of Scope

  • Dealers ability to customize what data points we consume from the DMS system. Requests can be made through the suggestion intake form, but at this time we are only consuming specific data points, the dealer can utilize the product as is, but their is no customization for this product available.




Future Requests

Request Details

Suggestion Form Link

Date Requested

Request Details

Suggestion Form Link

Date Requested






Account Managers or Client Support Team Members you must provide a task with the following information:

  1. Create a Task for the T2 Support Team include:

    1. Which DMS the dealer is using.

    2. Contact information for the dealership so ProResponse can reach out to the dealership for approval to pull the data from their DMS.

Instructions (Feeds Team)

First, you will need to reach out to Dan Coker at ProResponse (dcoker@proresponse.com). You will need to give him the dealers name, DMS system they use, and the contact information you were given in the task from the Account Manager. Be specific with what data we are looking for, whether he needs to send the Sales data or the Service data or both.

Dan will reach out to the dealer to get permission to pull the data from the dealers DMS. Dan will then create a file to send to the FTP. Once he has sent it he will let you know and you will be able to start the process of setting up the import feed.



Sales Feed Import Transaction

  1. Details



  1. Parameters


  1. Transport


  1. FTP

    1. Details





    2. Parameters

      1. @deleteFromServer = 1

      2. @directory = dealername/Automate/ (Note - you will need to place the correct name from the FTP folder)

      3. @filename = _SL\.csv

      4. @host = sftp.proresponse.com

      5. @password = 8_TW9>gz7kt{A\ML)8

      6. @regex = 1

      7. @sftp = 1

      8. @username = leadventure

  1. Update XML Lead Export

    1. After setting up the data imports, you will need to make adjustments to the XML Lead Export (if dealer is sending leads to a CRM) to ensure that we do not send Sales or Service data to their CRM.

    2. Follow the XML Lead Export document to exclude Sales or Service data from being included in the lead export data.


Account Managers or Client Support Team Members you must follow the contract before requesting the termination process of this product.

Instructions (Feed Team)

  1. If we are just pausing the feed, we can mark the feed disabled.

  2. If the dealer no longer wants to continue to receive Sales or Service data, we can delete the import sync.


Product Support




Pricing & Packaging Notes




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