Unit Inventory .CSV Upload Required and Optional Fields
Unit Inventory .CSV Upload Required and Optional Fields
Use the links below to find the list of fields that apply to the type of inventory that you will import into Command Center.
Ag & Lawn CSV Import Fields
Required | Description |
Unique ID | Unique ID is the identifier of the unit in Endeavor. It is important that this value, once used, is never used again. If it is used again, the previous unit with this Unique ID will be restored instead of this unit being imported. |
Class | Class is also called Type. This refers to the class or type of vehicle you are importing. Common values are ATV, All Terrain Vehicle, Utility, UTV, Snow, Sno, Snowmobile etc. You are not limited to certain values for class as you will map the class to the Endeavor approved value during finalization. |
Make | Make is also called Manufacturer. This refers to the Manufacturer of the unit. Common Values are Polaris, Yamaha, Pol, Yam, AC, Arctic Cat, HD, Harley, etc. You are not limited to the value for make as you will map the make to the Endeavor approved value during finalization. |
Model | Common values for model are YZ250, Ninja, RMK, CFR 1000, F8, Z1, etc. |
Year | The year of the unit in four digit format. Acceptable formats are 1999, 2010, 2005, etc. Unacceptable formats are 01, 10, 99 etc. |
Optional | Description |
Style | Common values for style are Walk-Behind, Riding, etc. |
VIN/Serial Number | The VIN or Serial Number of the imported unit. Must be unique among all of your imported inventory |
Condition | Acceptable values are Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor |
Description | The description of the unit you're importing. Please limit the description to 2500 characters. |
New/Used | Any descriptor for new or used is acceptable. Acceptable values include new, used, n, u etc. |
Primary Color | Any color is acceptable. |
Trim Color | Any color is acceptable. |
Stock Number | The store stock number for the unit. - IMPORTANT: Some classified listing feeds require this field. |
Title Status | Acceptable values are Clean, Rental, Salvage, Flood, Bill of Sale, No Title, Not Applicable |
Price ($) | The selling price of the unit |
Price (Label) | If the unit does not have a price, use one of the following labels: Call For Price, Make an Offer, Pending, Sold |
Usage Unit of Measure | Acceptable values are Hours, Miles, Kilometers. If none of the acceptable values match, leave out and you can add a new value during finalization. |
Usage Value | The number of hours, miles, or kilometers on this used unit. Leave empty for new units. |
Display in Showcase | Acceptable values are Y or N |
Best Price | Lowest price possible on the unit. Not displayed on website. |
Brokered Unit? | Acceptable values are Y or N |
Brokered Street Address | Street address of the brokerage location |
Brokered City | City of the brokerage location |
Brokered State | State/Region of the brokerage location. Acceptable values are two character state or region abbreviations. |
Brokered ZIP | ZIP/Postal Code of the brokerage location |
Brokered Country | Country of the brokerage location. Acceptable values are US, CA. |
Cutting Width | Free text entry |
Horsepower | Free text entry |
Turning Radius | Free text entry |
Power Type | Acceptable values are Battery, Corded Electric, Gas, Hybrid |
CA (CARB) Compliance | Acceptable values are 50 State Certified, CARB Compliant, Not CARB Compliant |
Blade Length | Free text entry |
Bar Length | Free text entry |
Start Type | Free text entry |
Drive Type | Free text entry |
Engine Make | Free text entry |
Engine Cycles | Free text entry |
Photo (1-30) | Enter a publicly available URL path to import up to 30 images per unit |
Marine CSV Import Fields
Required | Description |
Unique ID | Unique ID is the identifier of the unit in Endeavor. It is important that this value, once used, is never used again. If it is used again, the previous unit with this Unique ID will be restored instead of this unit being imported. |
Class | Class is also called Type. This refers to the class or type of vehicle you are importing. Common values are ATV, All Terrain Vehicle, Utility, UTV, Snow, Sno, Snowmobile etc. You are not limited to certain values for class as you will map the class to the Endeavor approved value during finalization. |
Make | Make is also called Manufacturer. This refers to the Manufacturer of the unit. Common Values are Polaris, Yamaha, Pol, Yam, AC, Arctic Cat, HD, Harley, etc. You are not limited to the value for make as you will map the make to the Endeavor approved value during finalization. |
Model | Common values for model are YZ250, Ninja, RMK, CFR 1000, F8, Z1, etc. |
Year | The year of the unit in four digit format. Acceptable formats are 1999, 2010, 2005, etc. Unacceptable formats are 01, 10, 99 etc. |
Length Overall | The length of the unit, in feet and inches (Example: 19'6") |
Optional | Description |
Style | Common values for style are Tender, Fishing Boat, etc. |
VIN/Serial Number | The VIN or Serial Number of the imported unit. Must be unique among all of your imported inventory |
Condition | Acceptable values are Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor |
Description | The description of the unit you're importing. Please limit the description to 2500 characters. |
New/Used | Any descriptor for new or used is acceptable. Acceptable values include new, used, n, u etc. |
Primary Color | Any color is acceptable. |
Trim Color | Any color is acceptable. |
Stock Number | The store stock number for the unit. - IMPORTANT: Some classified listing feeds require this field. |
Title Status | Acceptable values are Clean, Rental, Salvage, Flood, Bill of Sale, No Title, Not Applicable |
Price (S) | The selling price of the unit |
Price (Label) | If the unit does not have a price, use one of the following labels: Call For Price, Make an Offer, Pending, Sold |
Usage Unit of Measure | Acceptable values are Hours, Miles, Kilometers. If none of the acceptable values match, leave out and you can add a new value during finalization. |
Usage Value | The number of hours, miles, or kilometers on this used unit. Leave empty for new units. |
Display in Showcase | Acceptable values are Y or N |
Best Price | Lowest price possible on the unit. Not displayed on website. |
Brokered Unit? | Acceptable values are Y or N |
Brokered Street Address | Street address of the brokerage location |
Brokered City | City of the brokerage location |
Brokered State | State/Region of the brokerage location. Acceptable values are two character state or region abbreviations. |
Brokered ZIP | ZIP/Postal Code of the brokerage location |
Brokered Country | Country of the brokerage location. Acceptable values are US, CA. |
Length Overall | Overall length measurement, in feet and inches (example: 20'6") |
Beam | Beam measurement, in feet and inches (example: 19'6") |
Max Draft | Maximum draft measurement, in feet and inches (example: 3'8") |
Hull Type | Acceptable values are Aluminum, Carbon Fiber, Composite, Ferro Cement, Fiberglass, Hypalon, Other, PVC, Roplene, Rubber, Steel, Wood |
Trailer Type | Acceptable values are Bunk Trailer, Float-On Trailer, Roller Trailer, Keel Roller, Rib Roller |
# of Axles | Numeric entry |
Engine Type | Acceptable values are Inboard, Inboard/Outboard, Jet, Outboard, Outboard 2 Stroke, Outboard 4 Stroke, Stern Drive, V Drive |
Engine Make | Free text entry |
Horsepower | Numeric string |
Engine Model | Free text entry |
Engine Year | Numeric entry |
# of Engines | Acceptable values are 0, 1, 2, 3 |
Fuel Type | Acceptable values are Diesel, Gas, Electric, Other |
Photo (1-30) | Enter a publicly available URL path to import up to 30 images per unit |
Powersports CSV Import Fields
Required | Description |
Unique ID | Unique ID is the identifier of the unit in Endeavor. It is important that this value, once used, is never used again. If it is used again, the previous unit with this Unique ID will be restored instead of this unit being imported. |
Class | Class is also called Type. This refers to the class or type of vehicle you are importing. Common values are ATV, All Terrain Vehicle, Utility, UTV, Snow, Sno, Snowmobile etc. You are not limited to certain values for class as you will map the class to the Endeavor approved value during finalization. |
Make | Make is also called Manufacturer. This refers to the Manufacturer of the unit. Common Values are Polaris, Yamaha, Pol, Yam, AC, Arctic Cat, HD, Harley, etc. You are not limited to the value for make as you will map the make to the Endeavor approved value during finalization. |
Model | Common values for model are YZ250, Ninja, RMK, CFR 1000, F8, Z1, etc. |
Year | The year of the unit in four digit format. Acceptable formats are 1999, 2010, 2005, etc. Unacceptable formats are 01, 10, 99 etc. |
Optional | Description |
Style | Common values for style are Standard, Mountain, Motocross, etc. |
VIN/Serial Number | The VIN or Serial Number of the imported unit. Must be unique among all of your imported inventory |
Condition | Acceptable values are Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor |
Description | The description of the unit you're importing. Please limit the description to 2500 characters. |
New/Used | Any descriptor for new or used is acceptable. Acceptable values include new, used, n, u etc. |
Primary Color | Any color is acceptable. |
Stock Number | The store stock number for the unit. - IMPORTANT: Some classified listing feeds require this field. |
Title Status | Acceptable values are Clean, Rental, Salvage, Flood, Bill of Sale, No Title, Not Applicable |
Price ($) | The selling price of the unit |
Price (Label) | If the unit does not have a price, use one of the following labels: Call For Price, Make an Offer, Pending, Sold |
Usage Unit of Measure | Acceptable values are Hours, Miles, Kilometers. If none of the acceptable values match, leave out and you can add a new value during finalization. |
Usage Value | The number of hours, miles, or kilometers on this used unit. Leave empty for new units. |
Display in Showcase | Acceptable values are Y or N |
Trim Color | Any color is acceptable |
Best Price | Lowest price possible on the unit. Not displayed on website. |
Brokered Unit? | Acceptable values are Y or N |
Brokered Street Address | Street address of the brokerage location |
Brokered City | City of the brokerage location |
Brokered State | State/Region of the brokerage location. Acceptable values are two character state or region abbreviations. |
Brokered ZIP | ZIP/Postal Code of the brokerage location |
Brokered Country | Country of the brokerage location. Acceptable values are US, CA. |
Photo (1-30) | Enter a publicly available URL path to import up to 30 images per unit |
RV CVS Import Fields
Required | Description |
Unique ID | Unique ID is the identifier of the unit in Endeavor. It is important that this value, once used, is never used again. If it is used again, the previous unit with this Unique ID will be restored instead of this unit being imported. |
Class | Class is also called Type. This refers to the class or type of vehicle you are importing. Common values are ATV, All Terrain Vehicle, Utility, UTV, Snow, Sno, Snowmobile etc. You are not limited to certain values for class as you will map the class to the Endeavor approved value during finalization. |
Make | Make is also called Manufacturer. This refers to the Manufacturer of the unit. Common Values are Polaris, Yamaha, Pol, Yam, AC, Arctic Cat, HD, Harley, etc. You are not limited to the value for make as you will map the make to the Endeavor approved value during finalization. |
Model | Common values for model are YZ250, Ninja, RMK, CFR 1000, F8, Z1, etc. |
Year | The year of the unit in four digit format. Acceptable formats are 1999, 2010, 2005, etc. Unacceptable formats are 01, 10, 99 etc. |
Optional | Description |
Style | Common values for style are Travel Tralier, Class A Motorhome - Gas, etc. |
VIN/Serial Number | The VIN or Serial Number of the imported unit. Must be unique among all of your imported inventory |
Condition | Acceptable values are Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor |
Description | The description of the unit you're importing. Please limit the description to 2500 characters. |
New/Used | Any descriptor for new or used is acceptable. Acceptable values include new, used, n, u etc. |
Primary Color | Any color is acceptable. |
Trim Color | Any color is acceptable. |
Stock Number | The store stock number for the unit. - IMPORTANT: Some classified listing feeds require this field. |
Title Status | Acceptable values are Clean, Rental, Salvage, Flood, Bill of Sale, No Title, Not Applicable |
Price ($) | The selling price of the unit |
Price (Label) | If the unit does not have a price, use one of the following labels: Call For Price, Make an Offer, Pending, Sold |
Usage Unit of Measure | Acceptable values are Hours, Miles, Kilometers. If none of the acceptable values match, leave out and you can add a new value during finalization. |
Usage Value | The number of hours, miles, or kilometers on this used unit. Leave empty for new units. |
Display in Showcase | Acceptable values are Y or N |
Best Price | Lowest price possible on the unit. Not displayed on website. |
Brokered Unit? | Acceptable values are Y or N |
Brokered Street Address | Street address of the brokerage location |
Brokered City | City of the brokerage location |
Brokered State | State/Region of the brokerage location. Acceptable values are two character state or region abbreviations. |
Brokered ZIP | ZIP/Postal Code of the brokerage location |
Brokered Country | Country of the brokerage location. Acceptable values are US, CA. |
Exterior Length | Exterior length measurement, in feet and inches (example: 20'6") |
Exterior Height | Exterior height measurement, in feet and inches (example: 10'2") |
Exterior Width | Exterior width measurement, in feet and inches (example: 9'6") |
Sleep Capacity | Numeric entry |
Water Capacity (Gallons) | Numeric entry |
# of AC Units | Numeric entry |
# of Slide-Outs | Numeric entry |
Weight(lbs) | Numeric entry |
Engine Type | Free text entry |
Engine Manufacturer | Free text entry |
Fuel Type | Acceptable values are None, Gas, Diesel, FlexFuel, Hybrid |
Photo (1-30) | Enter a publicly available URL path to import up to 30 images per unit |
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