Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This guide will walk you through all the necessary information for understanding the processes and procedures behind the flow of the First Month Tasks board. We will cover a range of topics, such as where the cards come from, when they should be created, what the lists mean, and the process for moving cards all the way to completion.


Which Card Template Should Be Used for New Sales?

New Card Creation Process:

  1. Using the above template, click the blue “Create Card From Template” button in the top right-hand corner

  2. Replace the card title with the name of the client as it appears in CRM

  3. If the Site is Live– Add the card to the “Initial Setup” list - Cards newly added to this list should have a start date assigned for the day it was created and a due date set for three days out from the day of creation.

    1. If the Site is Not Live – Add the card to the “Waiting” list - Adding cards to this list will require you to fill in some additional information further down about the status and reason a card is in this list.

  4. Fill out the following sales information as part of the card setup:

    1. Labels:

      1. Brand Label – For each client on the FMT board, select the appropriate brand.

        1. ARI

        2. Dealerspike

      2. Purchased Services Labels - Make sure to include the correct label for each service that has been purchased as part of the current sale.

        1. Potential Current Services Include:

          1. SEO - Silver Package

          2. SEO - Gold Package

          3. SEO - Platinum Package

          4. SEM - Facebook

          5. SEO - Google

          6. AEM

          7. TDA

          8. Reputation Management

    2. Dealer Name - The client’s name as it appears in CRM

    3. Dealer Website - Full URL of the site for which work will be completed

    4. Sale Date - The date the sale came through CRM

    5. CRM Account # - Account number for the client

  5. If the site is not live, has a future start date, or is not ready to start for some other reason, you will need to fill out the information in the “Waiting Status Information Section.”:

    1. Waiting Status - This will indicate which of the above-mentioned reasons a card might be in the
      Waiting” list

    2. Waiting Reason - *Required for "Other" - If you have selected other from the drop-down, a note about the reasoning is required

  6. Fill Out the Service Specific Information For Each Product Sold:

    1. Reputation Management Options

      1. Reputation Management Type - Declares whether the Reputation management is standalone, part of an SEO Package, or a website package pick.

      2. If Website Pick, Which Component - If it was a website pick, we need to know which component

    2. SEM Options

      1. SEM - Google Budget - How much would the client like to spend on Google SEM?

      2. SEM - Facebook Budget - How much would the client like to spend on Facebook SEM?

    3. AEM Options

      1. AEM Package - Select the level of package purchased for AEM

    4. TDA Options

      1. TDA Budget - How much would the client like to spend on TDA?

  7. Remove Unnecessary Checklists

    1. Delete the checklists that are associated with services that were not included in the sale

      1. This will cut down on the amount of clutter as well as make the checkmark counter more accurate.

  • [Future Update]

    • How to handle multiple services at the same time?

    • Could we duplicate the card for each service after the initial setup is completed?


  • Templates

    • This list is used to house the current templates used for new card creation.

    • Nothing else should ever be on this list.

  • Waiting

    • This list is used to house cards that cannot move forward with the setup because they are either waiting on the site to go live, have a future start date, or have some other reason that would require them to put the setup on hold.

    • All cards in this list should have the “Waiting Status” field filled out

    • If “Waiting Status” is set to other, the “Waiting Reason - *Required for Other” field is required to be filled in with the particular reason.

  • Issues

    • This list is used to house cards that have some sort of roadblock that is preventing setup tasks from moving forward after the process has already started.

    • Fill in the description field for any card in this list that describes the issue in as much detail as possible.

    • Add the lead that is associated with the setup issue to the card to let them know it needs to be addressed and that help is needed.

    • We should try to resolve issues as quickly as possible. If we are unable but have a date when it could be resolved, change the due date to the estimated date.

  • Initial Setup

    • This list is used to house cards that are going through the initial setup phase.

    • The associated checklist includes the following:

      • Initial Setup (All Services-Juniper) | Est Time: 1 hour

  • SEO Setup

  • SEM Setup

    • This list is used to house the cards that are going through the setup for SEM.

    • The associated checklists include the following:

    • SEM - Google

      • Link Analytics to Google Ads (GA)

      • Create analytics audience (GA)

      • Set up the remarketing tag and get the remarketing conversion ID (Ads)

      • Create the "Dynamic Call Tracking" conversion (Ads)

      • Add UI code from Analytics (GTM)

      • Add remarketing conversion ID (GTM)

      • Set up the "Conversion Linker" tag (GTM)

      • Set up "Dynamic Call Tracking" tag (GTM)

      • Lead attribution in Notepad++ (admin panel of websites)

    • SEM - Facebook

      • Add client to Google Tag Manager (GTM)

      • Import container (GTM)

      • Add pixel code ID to Google Tag Manager (GTM)

      • Add GTM to the site (Notepad++)

      • Add CONFIG_ENABLE_FACEBOOK_TAGGING = True to config.asp (Notepad++)

      • Facebook Ads Lead Attribution added (Notepad++)

  • TDA Setup

    • This list is used to house the cards that are going through the setup for TDA.

    • The associated checklist includes the following:

    • TDA

      • Google Analytics Setup (GA)

      • Confirm that the tag "DS - Pixel" was imported with the container for the GTM account. If not, import the newest container into GTM. (GTM)

      • Add Simplifi data source to NinjaCat. (NinjaCat)

  • AEM Setup

    • This list is used to house the cards that are going through the setup for AEM.

    • The associated checklist includes the following:


  • QA - Not used for now ---- add this at a later date?

  • Completed

    • List to track all the new sale setups in the past month.

    • All checkboxes should be checked off, and the green completed icon should be present on each card.

    • At the end of the month, we should archive the entire list so that it is empty on the 1st.

  • Delete These?

    • L5 Multi-location clients done

    • L5 Verified Clients

    • L5 Issues after verification

  • Related boards for each list if it exists - Example: RepMan and Directory boards for SEO Setup

  • How do cards exit the board?


  • How long should a card live on each list

    • Are there exceptions to the rule?

    • What is the capacity of the ask?

      • How long does each task take?

      • What is the cumulative time for each part of the process?

      • Are individuals responsible for completing the setup for different services?

      • Could we put time estimates on the tasks?

  • Due Dates?

    • Could help with backlog reporting if we can pull a list of all cards past their due date
