This article will detail the two types of VDP buttons, as well as how they are set up and function by default. It will also make some recommendations on ways to potentially override or change the buttons as needed.
Types of VDP Buttons
There are two “types” of VDP buttons, also referred to as CTAs or Call to Action. ICC lists these as “Buttons” and “Links.”
Buttons are the larger, more colorful buttons, and Links are the smaller, less obvious items below.
Available VDP Functions
There is a specific list of the default buttons that the VDP can have. Some are, by default, included in the Buttons list, and others are by default included in the Links list. However, the two are interchangeable, and you can use either one in either section.
The list is as follows:
GLP - Get Lowest Price, this feature has other toggles to turn it on and off and will display (or not) depending on how the dealer decides to set up this feature. This is, by default, a Button.
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