Featured RVs Not Working
This article will delve into the fields available on the snippet used for Featured RVs, as well as how to troubleshoot when an issue occurs with the wrong inventory showing in the Featured RVs area.
Finding the Featured RVs snippet
Typically, the snippet that is used to display the Featured RVs is displayed on the homepage (though there are times where this snippet is shown on location pages as well). On newer Sitesmith sites, this may be contained in a folder in the Snippets folder under Sections > Featured RVs. On older sites, it may just be placed directly into the homepage itself.
Either way, what you are looking for is a snippet called UnitList.
To adjust the settings of this snippet, simply click on the “Edit UnitList” button. This will bring up all available options for configuring this snippet.
UnitList snippet available fields
This section will detail all the fields available in the UnitList section and what they do/what parameters they need to work. This should help in changing the settings if a change is requested, and additionally help with determining what settings are already in place when looking at the snippet. Keep in mind that this snippet can also be used to create a full listing page within a page, so there are some settings that do not apply to the Featured RVs slider version.
Field Name | Purpose/Function | Expected Parameters |
CompactMode | If checked, the list will be displayed in compact mode. This is often used for featured units on the home page. Note that if the “Slider” parameter is checked, the listing will always be in compact mode. In compact mode, the paging and sorting controls are not displayed, and the units are randomly ordered (if “Limit” is greater than zero). | Checked or Not Checked |
Limit | Limits the total number of units displayed. Only applies in compact mode. If this is used, set the DefaultPageSize to the same value. | Whole numbers (1+) |
Tags | Filters the unit list by a specified tag. | Tag ID (not the name, but the number ID to the left of the tag in the Unit Tags area) |
Stock Number | Filters the units by stock number. The ‘*’ character can be used as a wildcard. | Single stock number or stock number with wildcard characters (ex. if dealer lists all featured units with a FT before the letter/number combo, you could add FT* here). Multiple stock numbers separated by commas do not typically work here. |
Types | Filters the units by specific types only. | Type IDs (these can be found by using the filtered search and narrowing down by types, ex filtering to fifth wheels produces the link /rv-search?s=true&types=5 , making the ID for that type 5) with no spaces, separated by commas |
Condition | Filters the units by a specific condition (new or used) | Either a 1 (new) or a 0 (used) |
Lots | Filters the units by a specific lot | Single Lot ID (can be found in Settings > Locations on the far right of the table of locations) or multiple Lot IDs with no spaces separated by commas |
Slider | Makes the unit list display in a slider format (ex Featured Units). This causes the units to display in Compact mode. | Checked or Not Checked |
NoPriceText | Text to display if the unit doesn’t have a price. This parameter is used by the list item template, and not the UnitList macro itself. There is also site-level property for this. If both are set, the page-level property will be used. | Relevant text (spaces and characters okay) such as “Call for Price!” or “Contact Us For Price”. |
SearchMode | If checked, nothing will be displayed unless the ‘s’ query string parameter is set to ‘true’. This is so that units aren’t displayed on a search page until the search button has been clicked. This is useful for a listing page format, not a Featured RVs area. | Checked or Not Checked |
Status | Filters the units by status (sold, active, etc.). | Single status ID or status IDs with no spaces separated by commas (list of IDs coming soon) |
MinPrice | Filters the units by a minimum price (i.e., it will not show anything that is priced lower than the minimum price). If a price filter is set, units with no regular price or sales price will not be returned. | A whole number (1+) |
MaxPrice | Filters the units by a maximum price (i.e., it will not show anything that is priced higher than the maximum price). If a price filter is set, units with no regular price or sales price will not be returned. | A whole number (1+) |
DefaultPageSize | The initial number of units to show per page. The default is 10 in compact mode, otherwise 25. There is also a site level property that can be used to set the default page size for all listing pages. The default page size set at the page level overrides the site level setting. | A whole number (1+) |
Props | Filters the units by various features of the unit (i.e. Front Bedroom, Bath and a Half, etc). | The format is propId~propVal. Multiple property filters should be separated by a semi-colon. You can obtain these values from a filtered search. Ex: Bunkhouse returns this value on rv-search: /rv-search?s=true&features-prop-4=17, so this would be formatted as 4~17. |
ShowPaymentsAround | This determines if payments based on financing terms will be shown on these units. | Checked or Not Checked |
ImageWidth | Determines the width of the image shown on the unit. If this property is set to 0 and ImageHeight is greater than 0, the width will be 4/3 of the height. The default is 140. | 0 or whole number (1+) |
ImageHeight | Determines the height of the image shown on the unit. If this property is set to 0 and ImageWidth is greater than 0, the height will be ¾ of the width. The default is 0. | 0 or whole number (1+) |
InvertTypeFilter | If you were filtering by specific types in the “Types” field above, this would invert that choice. (I.e., if Motorhomes were designated in the Types field above, checking this box would show all units EXCEPT motorhomes.) | Checked or Not Checked |
GlpForm | Choose a form snippet to use for the glp form, when it is not in ‘force’ mode. To set the ‘force’ mode glp form, use the site level property ‘GlpForceForm’. If not set, the default glp form will be used. Typically does not appear on Featured Units setup. | Empty or select specific FormSnippet |
GlpConfirmation | Choose a snippet to show as a confirmation (in colorbox) after the glp form is submitted. This snippet will be shown if the price should be displayed. Leave blank to use the default snippet. Typically does not appear on Featured Units setup. | Empty or select specific snippet |
ContactConfirmation | Choose a snippet to show as a confirmation (in colorbox) after the glp form is submitted. This snippet will be shown if the price should NOT be displayed. Leave blank to use the default snippet. Typically does not appear on Featured Units setup. | Empty or select specific snippet |
UnitAgeFilter | If set, the units will be filtered by age in days. For example, if this is set to 7, only units with a CreateDate within the past week will be shown. Also known as “Just Arrived” or “New Arrivals”. | Whole number (1+); it is not recommended to set this lower than 30 |
DataSourcePrefix | Coming soon | Coming soon |
UseFqdnUnitLinks | Coming soon | Coming soon |
NumberOfSoldIfNoActive | Coming soon | Coming soon |
NoResultsSnippet | Select a snippet using the content picker to display when no items are returned in the list. This will override the defaultNoResultsSnippet set at the site level. This is optional and does not affect the Slider/Compact mode. | Select specific snippet |
ShowSimilarUnitsIfNoResults | If checked, the list will attempt to display 3 similar units if there are no results returned. The method of finding similar units is to remove all of the search criteria that was originally used except the product type filter (the product type filter must be set in the query string for similar units to work - it could be set via the document property, query string, etc). This does not work on the Featured Units slider. | Checked or Not Checked |
VerticalSlider | If checked, the slider will be displayed vertically. The default is horizontal. | Checked or Not Checked |
FilterByFeatured | Displays featured units in the unit list. This can be used together with FilterBySpecials and/or the Tags filter to display more than just featured units. Behind the scenes this is really just filtering by the featured tag (the ‘reserved’ featured tag that doesn’t display as a normal tag) | Checked or Not Checked |
FilterBySpecials | Displays specials units in the unit list. This can be used together with FilterByFeatured and/or the Tags filter to display more than just specials units. Behind the scenes this is really just filtering by the specials tag (the ‘reserved’ specials tag that doesn’t display as a normal tag). | Checked or Not Checked |
Manufacturer | Filters the unit list by manufacturer. | Single Manufacturer ID or multiple IDs with no spaces, separated by commas. |
Brand | Filters the unit list by brand. | Single Brand ID or multiple Brand IDs with no spaces, separated by commas. |
Year | Filters the unit list by year. | Single year or multiple years with no spaces, separated by commas |
InvertTagFilter | If checked, then whatever tags were identified in the Tag field above will NOT display, and all other units that are not tagged with that tag will show. | Checked or Not Checked |
VisibleSlides | How many units will show at a time before needing to scroll on the Slider mode. | Whole number (1+) |
DefaultSortMode | Sets the default sorting mode if the user doesn’t manually select one from the dropdown. The SortByAge sorting does not work if this is set. | Selection from the dropdown menu |
HtmlAttributes | Coming soon | Coming soon |
DefaultToGridMode | If UnitList is being used to make a listing page and not a Featured RVs slider, this will switch the listings from list mode to Grid mode. | Checked or Not Checked |
ListItemTemplate | If default listing template needs to be overridden for unit list, this can be specified here. | Filename (ex. DealerNameUnitListingv2.cshtml) |
SliderPaused | Stops the slider from automatically scrolling through the units. | Checked or Not Checked |
ShowPaymentsAroundInCompactMode | Shows payments in compact/slider mode. | Checked or not checked |
FavoritesMode | Coming soon | Coming soon |
DisableAjax | Coming soon | Coming soon |
PriceTooltip | Coming soon | Coming soon |
Troubleshooting issues
Typically, if issues are occurring with the Featured Units, it’s likely for one of two reasons:
The dealer did not correctly mark their units according to how the UnitList snippet is set up.
The UnitList snippet is set up in a way that accidentally excludes something the dealer is trying to include.
Checking Inventory
To check the inventory, we need to be provided an example (preferably multiple examples!) of stock numbers that should be showing in the Featured Units area. This way, we can go into their Inventory to check the units in question to find some crucial information.
Under Products > Inventory, you can search for the stock number provided using this field at the top:
By default, the Featured RVs UnitList snippet is set to show units that are marked in the inventory as “Featured”, so the first spot to check is the Featured checkbox on the unit.
In the example, we see that this unit does in fact have the Featured checkbox marked, so it should be showing if the UnitList is set up to show Featured units. You can check the inventory for anything obvious that may not match the settings the UnitList snippet uses (i.e. if it’s pulling a specific location or tag, are those items being used on this specific unit?).
UnitList Exclusions
The other part of troubleshooting this is checking for any settings we didn’t realize were in place that may not be necessary on the UnitList snippet.
For example, a common issue is that the UnitList for Featured units can sometimes have a limit on the age of the unit – that is, it won’t show any units older than a certain amount of time. If you’ve confirmed that such a setting exists in the UnitList you’re investigating, you can check that number against the number of days in stock listed on the unit:
In this example, the unit has been in stock for 432 days. If the UnitList was set to show only units that were 30 days old or younger, then this unit would not show because it is 432 days old. You would want to ask the dealer if they want to reconsider having that setting in place in order to show this unit.
By checking both the specific inventory unit as well as the settings on the UnitList macro, you can rule out any issues that may be causing the unit to not display until you find what is preventing it from working.