Apply CSS to Units by Manufacturer
Units on SRP and VDP pages can be targeted by Manufacturer specific CSS rules. This is commonly used to strike out or hide pricing data for units made by certain manufacturers. This code should be put in the page’s main CSS file, under the section labeled “Site-Specific Styling For Listing & Detail Pages”.
The example below applies a strike-through text effect to the pricing values of “Alliance RV” units.
.unit .detailsContainer[data-mfg="Alliance RV"] .sale-price-text,
.unit .detailsContainer[data-mfg="Alliance RV"] .reg-price-text,
.unit .detailsContainer[data-mfg="Alliance RV"] .you-save-text,
.unit-detail-v2[data-mfg="Alliance RV"] .sale-price-text,
.unit-detail-v2[data-mfg="Alliance RV"] .reg-price-text,
.unit-detail-v2[data-mfg="Alliance RV"] .you-save-text {text-decoration: line-through;}
SRP and Unit Lists can be selected by .unit .detailsContainer[data-mfg="Manufacturer Name"]
. VDP units can be selected by .unit-detail-v2[data-mfg="Manufacturer Name"]
See this link for more useful info about attribute selectors.
Note that the above selectors can be applied to any data parameter inside our unit detail elements. You can select by brand, price, and many other parameters too.