Updating the svn post_commit_hook script
Updating the svn post_commit_hook script
Follow the steps below to add a new developer to the post_commit_hook.sh script so that their commit messages get automatically added to the Jira work log.
Add the new user to the infrastructure/svn/post_commit_hook.sh script, to both the users and jira-users variables
For jira-users, the api token needs to be generated from here: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
Commit the post_commit_hook.sh file to svn
On app-dev-b3, go to /sandbox/infrastructure/svn
Run: sudo svn update (it'll prompt you for the irv svn user's password which can be found in password state)
Run: sudo bash post_commit_hook_setup.sh