Fulfillment Work Done (FWD) Campaign Plan & Content Fields


To replace content requests in Salesforce. You will complete “content requests” via the FWD Records rather than on the Content Tasks.

If you need to mark a client as “High Priority” and/or “Requires Approval”, you will still need to edit the Content Task(s) in the Ongoing Fulfillment (OF). Refer here for more information.

Part 1 of the FWD Record:

FWD Content 1.png

The WD-# and Account are automatically created and filled in when you add a new line through the account level. (*NOTE: If you add new lines through an individual report you created, you must add the account yourself or the record will be orphaned.)


  • Blank for previous months

  • Completed for published work and be sure to update the “Completed Date

  • Planned for future months

Report Date: Start with the 1st of the month and all deliverables for the month should have an ascending date. (Example: 1/1/2024, 1/2/2024, 1/3/2024)

Content Type: Pick from the drop-down the type that most accurately represents the work for the month.

*Reminder: Header & Footer is no longer a viable option. Each type should have its own row.

Content Focus: The topic for the content type you just selected.

Content Link: Where the URL for the completed page or content piece will go before reporting. (ONLY fill out when the content is live on the site)

Part 2 of the FWD Record: Content Fields

FWD Content 2.png

Justification: This is why you’ve selected this focus. (*This is required for ALL FWD records, not just the content foci.) -

Content Notes: These are notes related to the focus that you have for the writer. This is also where ARI H2s & Custom Page information will be placed.

Secondary Keywords: This is optional. These are high-ranking keywords from AccuRanker that you would like the content team to include in the piece.

Resources: This is an optional field to share any outside resources or pieces from the Rewrite Index with the content team.

Destination URL: The URL for where the content should be posted. This must be filled out for any page that exists on the site. If the page doesn’t exist yet (Example: Local Page), you may leave the field blank.

Completed Piece URL: This is where the content team will put the link to their completed draft.

Image Link: This is where Juniper or the content team will put the link to the image(s) for the piece.