Website Redesign SEO Checklist (DS)

This SOP is a work in progress. If you notice anything that is out of date, could be more clear or could be more efficient please update the SOP or add a comment to start a conversation.

This is ONLY for Dealer Spike clients.


This document outlines the process for checking all SEO-related codes and scripts when a website undergoes a redesign. This ensures our SEO work isn’t lost, duplicated, or poorly formatted.


  1. Launch Notifies you of the redesign.

  2. Enter Notepad++ and click on the Stage folder.

  3. Find the client’s folder.

    1. Ensure the analytics information has been moved over.

    2. Ensure the GTM Information has been moved over.

    3. Ensure the GSC file has been installed into the directory.

    4. In the Header.asp, Index.asp, footer.asp check for SEF URLs.

    5. Add .css script to :

  4. On Live site

    1. Make sure all content is in featuredbannerbelowh1 and in the pagefooter.


  1. In addition to checking the header, footer, and index files inside the includes folder, make sure to check all snippets and custom pages for links that may be defaulted. This includes things like the home page paragraph, top level pages (service, finance, etc), and other important pages.

  2. Make sure that the URLs are not only SEF, but they are the correct URL that matches the previous work including and not limited due, using “cat=” versus “vc=” if they have had “cat=” for years, no point in changing it when it is still supported at this time and no lose any of the authority.