Yext: Monthly Workflow

This SOP is a work in progress. If you notice anything that is out of date, could be more clear or could be more efficient please update the SOP or add a comment to start a conversation.


This document outlines the process of setting up and maintaining client business listing information in Yext.

Ensuring business listings are accurate and consistent across online directories is crucial for maintaining legitimacy and trustworthiness on the web. This impacts SEO rankings, so understanding the deliverables of monthly Yext work is essential.


Follow the steps below to see what necessary information needs to be collected, verified, and added to each client’s Yext account:

First Month

In a dealer’s first month of SEO work, they will be set up in Yext by Juniper. Juniper will handle basic optimization and add services in order to generate the green Optimization Progress bar.

Reps will be responsible for filling in higher priority fields and sending the content capture link in their intake follow-up email to ensure a Google My Business and Facebook account are linked to the Yext profile. 

  • Initial Set up: Juniper

    • Add services 

      • Dealer Spike: Knowledge Engine Professional

      • ARI: Knowledge Engine Ultimate

  • Basic Optimization: Juniper

    • Name

    • Primary Category

    • Address

    • Website

    • Main Phone

    • Featured Message

    • Hours

    • Payment Options

    • Business Logo

  • Additional Optimization: Juniper

    • A Description that fits Google best practices

    • Additional Categories

    • Keywords

    • Products

    • Services 

    • Brands

    • Social Media

    • GMB Fields

    • Facebook Fields

    • Additional Phone or Fax Numbers

  • Email Content Capture Link: Juniper

    • Connect GMB and FB

Second Month: Initial Audit

In the second month of work Reps or Account Managers will confirm basic information with their dealer on their report call and do an initial audit of live listings in Yext.

  • Verify basic info with the dealer on report call

    • Payment options

    • Email

    • Holiday hours

    • Languages

    • GMB Attributes

      • Accessibility

      • Amenities

      • Highlights

      • Offerings

      • Payments

  • Set Map Marker

  • Fix Your Data

  • Review Publisher Suggestions

  • Suppress Duplicates

Third Month: Profile Completion

In the third month, Reps will finish optimizing the Yext account with optimized images, filling in any fields they haven’t already updated, and discuss social posts with their dealers.

Posts give us the ability to create and push social posts to a dealer’s connected media accounts. For these, we would want to limit them to posts about events, sales, etc. Reps or Account Managers should explain to dealers the purpose of posts and see if there are any events we can create a post for. 

  • Optimize images

  • Any fields not complete

  • Social Post discussion with the dealer

    • Purpose

Monthly Work

Each month after will be maintenance - Reps will want to fix any data, suppress duplicates, and review publisher suggestions. Reps should also update any information like photos, descriptions, hours etc as changes need to be made.

  • Create New Post

    • Post Topic

    • Post Image

    • Event Title

    • Event Date Range

    • CTA

    • URL

    • Which Social Platforms

  • Fix Your Data

  • Review Publisher Suggestions

  • Suppress Duplicates

  • Any hour/photo/localized description updates etc.


Off-site Work Month

Every few months, Reps can use off-site work for their proposed work. This will include doing a backlink scan and an audit of directory listings for a dealership.

For the audit, Reps will go out to the various directories like Facebook, Yelp, Google, etc. that Yext is pushing data out to and check to make sure that they are listing the correct NAPW. 


  • Backlink scan

  • Audit information on publisher sites to make sure info from Yext is pushed properly