Monthly SEO Reset Tasks

This SOP is a work in progress. If you notice anything that is out of date, could be more clear or could be more efficient please update the SOP or add a comment to start a conversation.


The purpose of monthly reset tasks is to prepare for the month of client work ahead. This makes our workflows more efficient and so we can be more productive. It also prevents certain tasks from being missed or overlooked, creating more work to complete during the month.


Follow the checklist of tasks to perform at the end of the month (during the buffer day) in order to set goals, establish workflow, and begin client work with a fresh start.

Client Transfers

If you’ve had any clients transferred to a new rep, schedule a meeting on both of your calendars to go over any necessary details of the account(s). In your meeting, get the new rep up to speed on any important information to ensure a smooth rep transition. It’s essential to lay out any special circumstances your dealer has in this meeting. These circumstances can include, but are not limited to:

  1. Location preferences.

  2. Sister dealerships

  3. Terminology used to describe inventory/services.

  4. Inventories or services that are not to be optimized.

  5. Special content needs.

If you are receiving new clients from another SEO rep, be on the lookout for the client transfer meeting invite in your email inbox. If a meeting is not set, schedule one yourself and touch base with with rep you are receiving clients from.

Client transfer meetings should be scheduled early in the month so that the new SEO rep can have enough time to review any and all information properly.


Team Leads will ensure you are tagged on any client transfer content and QA Trello cards so that you begin to receive notifications about card updates. However, it’s a good practice to double-check your Trello cards to ensure that you are tagged on all of your client cards so nothing is accidentally missed.

For each of your clients or when a client is transferred to you, it is your responsibility to make any corrections left by the content or QA team. Check both the QA Trello board and the Issues from Content/Issues from Posting columns on the Content Staging board for any outstanding corrections. This ensures all deliverables for clients are fulfilled and are of quality effort.

Ensure all content requests have been made for any clients you have or receive. You can check the progress of the content requests for the current month by visiting the Content Writing board or Content Posting board. Any missing requests will need to be fulfilled immediately.

If you had a client cancel or pause during the month, you will want to address their cards on the Content and QA boards:

  1.  If the client completely left the platform, be sure to delete/archive all backlogged proposed content cards so the content team doesn’t write any unnecessary content.

    1. If the client cancels but is staying with the platform, post any and all content articles or PageFooters through the last month of work. Any that you have proposed beyond their last month you can delete or archive. 

    2. If in this process you come across any articles or PageFooters that have already been written but will not be posted, please drop that link in the content chat and alert your fellow reps in case someone is working on a similar keyword target and can make use of the article.

    3. Lastly, move the dealer’s card to the Cancelled or Paused column, as well as attach the Dealer is Paused or Cancellation label to the card, on each of the different boards (Content and QA).

Set up your Monthly Planner and any other organization tools you take advantage of during the month. Note when important deadlines are during the month, such as:

  • 33%, 66%, and 100%

  • Content Requests Submission

  • First and Second Month Clients Complete

  • Reporting Prep/Monthly Work Cleanup