Module: Content Request Process

Follow the instructions to learn and understand the process for requesting additional longformcontent for clients.

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What are Content Requests?

Complete fulfillment of a customer’s SEO package involves requesting additional long-form content. As SEO Specialists, our monthly tasks include requesting said content every month. However, what is a content request?

A content request involves conducting keyword research to determine a topic that can be written about in length and depth. The keywords we select then get added to that customer’s card on the SEO Content Staging Trello board. You then follow the process* for filling out a content request in order for our content writing team to have enough information to accurately write about the topic for your specific customer.

Once the content writers have written the piece, it will pass through our QA team for review. Once approved by a QA team member, our Juniper team will post the content on the customer’s website.

*You will learn the process for requesting content later in this module.

Helpful Tips:

Refer to Chapter 4: How to Use Keywords of the Mangools reading, specifically the “Pillar vs Cluster” content section to help aid your understanding of selecting content request topics.


About Customer Packages

The amount of additional content a customer receives is based on what SEO package they have. There are two package types; old and new, that are tiered from basic SEO to comprehensive SEO services. Each package, new or old, varies in the amount and type of content the customer receives.

“Old” Packages vs “New” Packages:

Customer accounts will be labeled if they have a new or old SEO package. Both of these package types are in circulation, but it’s important to be able to distinguish the two, content-wise. Each package offers different amounts of content/content types:


Content Types

The types of content you can request for a customer are listed below. However, there are important factors to keep in mind:

  • New SEO packages: In the first 2-3 months of a customer’s campaign for a new package, they receive a pre-determined order of content types to request. The order of content types you must request within the customer’s beginning months is; About Us, Service Page, Parts Page, Local Pages (if applicable).

  • Old SEO packages: You can only request a blog article, pagefooter, or content piece for old SEO packages.

Content Type Definitions

The following can be requested for both new and old SEO packages ( means Dealer Spike-specific and means ARI-specific):

  • Blog Articles: Long-form content that covers detailed topics that answer questions users may be asking.

  • Pagefooters: Long-form content that is posted directly on inventory list pages. This type of content generally covers broader topics regarding the webpage’s inventory.

  • Content Pieces: Long-form content that expands on a particular product by providing engaging context.

  • Content Refreshes: Updated content that will replace a pre-existing piece of content that (based on prior research) is not beneficial to the site anymore. This can only be requested if every box of the Refresh Criteria Checklist is marked off.

The following can ONLY be requested for new SEO packages:

  • Inventory Content: Content for both the header and footer sections of an inventory list page.

  • Custom Pages:

    • Custom pages generally refer to non-inventory list pages, such as the ones listed below:

      • About Us: Content written to provide details about the dealership’s inventory and services.

      • Service: Content written to provide details about the dealership’s service department.

      • Parts: Content written to provide details about the dealership’s part department.

  • Local Pages: A location-based landing page that outlines the dealership’s inventory and services to a specific target area (outside their hometown). Silver clients DO NOT receive any Local page content.


Requesting Content

Learn the process for submitting a content request form to our content writing team.


Content Requests in the Work Done Import Tab

To format the Work Done Import tabin order to incorporate the content requests, you must create new rows under the month of focus.

Your content request content links will be added by the Juniper team when they are posted. However, to improve workflow, you can add the rows which Juniper can modify. This can be seen in the attached screenshot:

Example: Platinum client (receives 2 pieces of content)