Marketing Adminner Tool Usage 3.0.0

What is the Adminner Tool?

This is a Google extension that was created by our support department to help out the Dealer Spike team in various efforts across the departments. You will have to request to be added to this tool. This goes through DevOps.

Whenever you load a site, you will see the bar automatically pop up above. It has a collapsible option that will hide the bar in case you don’t require it. It has some basic functions that should help us with speed.

Admin Dashboard

This button will take you directly to the admin panel of the website.

All Inventory

This takes you the inventory manager that views all inventory. In SEO, we probably won’t need this often.

Inventory Grid View

This goes to the inventory manager in gridview. In SEO, we probably won’t need this often.

Show Config

This will take you straight to the show config section of the admin panel. You can easily get to the “snippets” for the entire site from here.

Compile Less File

This will compile the less file for you without going to the admin panel and doing it there every time.

Manage Snippets

This will take you straight to manage snippets. It doesn’t load anything though. You still need to find and load the snippet you want to modify.

Enable Snippets

This will take to the enable snippets section of the admin panel. In SEO, we will probably never this for the time being.

Edit Page

This will load a new tab to start the editor. You just need to let the other tab load fully and just delete the tab. The page you are on will refresh and the editor should be active. If not, just refresh your screen again and should be there.

Quick Code

This is mostly for support, but when it comes to making sure everyone is on the same page, we want to make sure that use the same format of code across sites. This is some of the standard codes that are used.


This is the SEO part of the tool, we are going to add to this, but it will be a dropdown menu similar to the quick code that will have our options in there including going to our reports. We can add additional links that may help, so please see your pod leads with your ideas. For now, it goes directly to the client’s SEO Report.