2. Graphic Design (QA)

2. Graphic Design (QA)

On this page, you'll find a breakdown of QA Specialist responsibilities as they pertain to Graphic Design image requests, reviewing both the objective and subjective aspects of the design.

SEM / SEO / TDA Graphic Design QA

QA Specialist

When performing QA for Graphic Design requests for the SEM, SEO, or TDA Digital Marketing Departments, the QA Specialist will:

  • Navigate to the DigMS Graphic Design Trello board 
  • Scan the All QA column, prioritizing assignments by due date
  • Open the first available graphic design request card and click on the Google Drive link provided by the Graphic Designer
  • Review the design based on the description on the card
    • Is the design for a Co-Op Ad?
    • Is the design correct and/or feature the appropriate unit?
    • Is the design a display ad, Facebook ad, gmail, or dynamic remarketing ad?
    • Is the ad copy correct?
    • Click the link to the website and double check the correct logo was used and the color scheme matches the site
    • Verify that the correct size has been made for the correct ad type
    • Refer to the Subjectively Critiquing Graphic Design Assets document
    • Has the design and design folder been named correctly by the Graphic Designer?
  • If any corrections are required, the QA Specialist will:
    • Create a new comment, 
    • Tag the Graphic Designer
    • Move the card to the Changes column on the DigMS Graphic Design Board
    • Document any kickbacks between the QA Specialist and Graphic Designer
    • Indicate in the comment whether the designer can "Bypass QA" once the changes have been made
    • Check off the due date and remove the banner image from the Trello card
  • If no changes are required, the QA Specialist will:
    • If not already done, check off the due date and remove the banner image from the Trello card
    • Create a new comment on the assignment card, tagging all relevant individuals to the design request
    • Send the card to the For Review column
      • Make sure the card is sent to the 1st position in the column

Graphic Designer

  • After completing a design request, the Graphic Designer will leave a comment on the design request assignment card with a link to the design on Google Drive
  • They will then move the request card into the All QA column on the DigMs Graphic Design Board
  • The Graphic Designer will monitor the Changes column for any required corrections to their designs
  • If the required changes are small, the QA Specialist will direct the Graphic Designer to move the Trello card to the For Review column after the changes have been made

Graphic Design QA Flowcharts



Looking for something else? Click here to navigate to the QA (Quality Assurance) home page on Confluence!

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