Start Date:
End Date:
More structure and clarity
Expected Impact
🏁 Milestones / Project Timeline
- Revise QA Guidelines & scoring
- Create Inventory list page optimization SOP
- Update training module
- Create SEO leadership QA follow-up process
- Share all documentation
- Train team and set expectations
- Move youtube to Juniper
- Kill off reset tasks
- Update monthly SEO calendar/workflow.
- All content requests to day 1 & 2 (unless vacation)
- What else? A day of sheet clean-up at the end of the month?
Next Actions
Questions | Answer | Who | When | Where (Meeting) |
Decision | Why | Who | When | Where (Meeting) |
*Primary decision maker in bold.
Files & Resources
Links here…
Related Projects
Future Work
Use correct project template.
Action Items
- Lance - Clean up this page. outline projects and owners here.(we can make child projects in the list from these.)
- Lance- set kickoff meeting
- Write/consolidate to a single page SOP on optimizing an inventory list page from start to finish(Client sheet → on-page optimization → client sheet & monthly sheet.) including QA guidelines throughout.
- Review SEO QA Guidelines ensure its what we want. Make a session for this
- Update Team Lead Check List to reflect process changes.
- review and align training materials with guidelines for all tasks.
- write spot checking guide
- with note taking process/documentation
- actions, dates, sticking in the long-term
- create checklist
* Set expectations for Team Leads and Senior Reps
Build a page optimization checklist?
mandate every page is checked with Grammarly before checking work as completed.
Ned’s team must QA every rep each day.
Enforce QA corrections in real time with follow-up/training/coaching/education. ensure that learning persists going forward.
Take notes on QA issues reviewed, steps taken, and results.
Retrain team on on-page tasks, tie with QA Guidelines. should review guidelines daily while working.
Clarify, that poor work will have consequences. define threshold for APM(align with HR before communicating). But, ask question, be curious, we will help!
Publicly share QA tracker.
Define the spot check and expectations of the spot checker. Record spot checks and report up daily spotcheck results. What does that look like?
Remove more tasks
-reset tasks
content calendar in Q2
QA Score changes
Change QA scoring to Pass, meets, fail?
I thought we’d made changes previously to avoid these massive negatives.
I think it should only be from 0 to 100.