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  • Put together the tracker for Lance to send the performance email - going to Alexis. 

    • The QA Performance tracker data should be entered by June 9th according to Ned, and you will just need to take the QA scores for each rep and add it to the Rep Performance Tracker, then email to Lance so he can get the May performance email sent out. 

  • SEO Backlog

    • Reina updates the backlog every Thursday

    • Filter for SEO-related services only in column G

    • Go to column F and click-through URLs to check if they are live on the correct platform (column C specifies ARI or DS)

    • If not live - mark "Website Not Live" in column P and update the date in column Q to the current date.

    • If live before 6/10 - change the status to "Product is Live", include the current date, and then leave a note in column R like "site is live and started SEO on (current date)". You will also need to make sure they are added to the correct planner and all the tasks there have been completed in order to start a new client. If Gemma already added a line for a live site to start, she should have already created a First Month Tasks card and checked off that box but you will need to double-check. 

    • If live after 6/10 - change the status to "Staging", include the current date, and then leave a note in column R like "site is live and set to start SEO on 7/1/23". You will also need to make sure they are added to the correct planner in the July tab.

  • Starting new clients added to the Monthly Planner

    • Check both the ARI & DS planners every day until the 10th for new clients added by Gemma or Francisco that need to start in June.

    • Check the First Month Tasks board to make sure a card has been made for the client and that there is not a "Website Not Live" label and has been moved out of the Waiting column. Check the FMT Card box if not checked already. If a card has not been made, reach out to Gemma directly to get one created. 

    • Assign the new sale to a rep in column D - for PDM or Review Tool clients Yonaton will be the assigned rep. 

    • Add a line for the client in the monthly sheet's June tab under the assigned rep - DO NOT add or delete lines because it will mess up the stat formulas. Instead, just unhide the blank rows in the correct rep's section and copy/paste an existing client row and change any necessary details then move the row up in alphabetical order and re-hide the rest of the blank rows. Make sure they have a first-month label attached as well. 

    • Go to the Content Staging board and make sure a card has been created for the client in the New Clients column, then make sure they have the rep assigned as a member and the correct package label added. If a client sheet has been created make sure to attach it to the new card template.

    • Go to the QA board and first look in the Unassigned column to see if a QA card has already been created. If it has, then you can just add a member, add the 1st Month label, attach the client sheet if it has been created, and move the card to the correct rep's column. If no card has been created you can copy a card in the rep's column and edit the details. 

    • After cards have been made and assigned in both Trello boards and the client has been added to the monthly sheet, then you can chek off the "Monthly/Content boards" box. 

    • Go into the new client's SEO Project Service in the CRM. Change the owner in the top right corner from SEO Fulfillment to the assigned SEO rep. Then you can check off the CRM checkbox in the planner. 

    • While inside the project service, edit the Actual Start Date to the current date, then you can change the status from Intake to Live, then save & close. Note: the CRM may require you to put a "N/A" in the Initial Billing Notes box before you can save and close the project service.  Then you can check off the Billed checkbox in the planner.