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Table of Contents

Why It's Important

  • Allows us to drive customer campaigns with a data-driven approach.

    • Identify what keywords your audience is actually using to find your products

    • Find keywords where performance just needs a little push

  • Ensures we are selecting the best work possible for our clients.

  • It helps us find competitive keyword opportunities to try to rank. 

  • It drives our reporting - Makes ROI Conversations easier

    • Having a well-maintained keyword list ensures what we track and ultimately report on aligns with what is on the site and therefore, our performance metrics get a boost.

  • It helps organize your campaign plan into a clear path forward

  • Makes client transition less painful - Everyone should have a clear idea of what has been worked on and what’s next. 


*** Save these lists. It will serve as a mapping of all the groups and folders you will need to create in SEO MonitorAccuRanker

Multiply Your Keyword Lists


Once you have a full list of qualified keywords from keyword planner, you will need to add those keywords to AccuRanker and start tagging them into groups.


Add Keywords

  1. Log into Accuranker and locate the correct domain by making use of the search bar in the top-left corner of side navigation.

  2. Once the domain specific dashboard loads, you will see an orange “+ Add keywords” button near the top left of the dashboard. Click it.

  3. You will paste your keyword list into the keywords field on the top-left of the popup.

  4. Ensure your Search Engine, Locale, and Location setting are all correct

  5. For now, it should be:

    1. US or Canada depending on location

    2. Mobile Google as the search engine

    3. Locations should match the target locations from the intake.

  6. Click “Add Keywords” in the bottom right

  7. It will reload and you’re ready to move on to grouping.

How to Group


How we group keywords relates directly back to the pages on the site. In your inventory catalog, you will have product type pages and brand pages, and then under each of those, you will have further breakdowns depending on dealer inventory. The simple rule to ensure you’re putting a keyword in the correct group is “One Group, One Page”. Having one group for each page on the site helps the Juniper and content teams to know what keywords should be included in the content or on reporting.


Tags- One each for all brands and product types. It allows you to see stats for the whole brand or the whole product type in a roll-up report.


Tagging Guide


  1. Navigate to the correct domain

  2. Click the “Keywords” tab in the main navigation

  3. You can now use the filter search bar at the top of the page to search for keywords

    1. image-20240124-185143.png

  4. After searching for the keywords you want to group, you can select the keywords you want to add tags to by clicking the checkbox for each keyword row in the site

  5. Once you have selected keyword you want to tag, you will see new options above the table. Click the one that says “✏️ Edit” and then select “Add tags” from the drop-down.

    1. image-20240124-185417.png

  6. Type the name of the tag and click “Add tags”. Name should be the same as folder names used to be.

Grouping Examples

You will create tags for the following:


titleOutdoor Power Equipment

Product Types:

  • General Product Type Terms

  • Product Type With Product Subtypes


  • General Brand Terms

  • A brand with Product Type

Example Structure: 

  • ECHO

    • General ECHO: “ECHO Dealer”, “ECHO Sales”, etc..

    • ECHO Commerical Chainsaws: “ECHO Commerical Chainsaws Mesa”, “ECHO Commerical Chainsaws For Sale”, etc…

  • Kohler Engine

    • General Kohler Engine: “Kohler Engine Dealer”, “Kohler Engine Sales”, etc..

    • Kohler Engine Commerical Engines: “Kohler Engine Commerical Engines Mesa”, “Kohler Engines For Sale”, etc…

  • Commercial Lawn Mowers

    • General Commercial Lawn Mowers: “Commercial Lawn Mowers For Sale”, “Commercial Lawn Mowers AZ”, etc…

    • FrontMount Commercial Lawn Mowers: “FrontMount Commercial Lawn Mowers For Sale”, “FrontMount Mowers Dealer”, etc…
