The DS DigMS Outreach dashboardcontains reports for the DS/ARI DigMS Operations queue. These reports are separated by service: Facebook, Premium Directory Management, and Reputation Management.
The Goal
Your only goal is to close out/update the Fulfillment Task. You do not need to update statuses for Fulfillment Requests, as these types of objects contain many tasks that are assigned to different queues. The FR number is only there for quick reference to the Fulfillment Request, and it is only to be utilized when you need to send a notification to the account manager or rep regarding this particular request.
The left-most table displays new fulfillment tasks that are ready to work. A fulfillment task is released into this table once the account manager has completed their CS Team - Perform CS Intake fulfillment task. If you know a fulfillment task should appear on your list, please use the Chatter feature on the Fulfillment Request page to tag the account manager and ask them to mark their task as complete.
The middle table is your work in progress, ordered by the last date of activities on the task.
Facebook Access
The Facebook Access task only has one part: DigiMS Ops Team Obtain Facebook Access.
To work on the request, you may click the Fulfillment Task Name, or click the Fulfillment Request Name and scroll down to Fulfillment Tasks, then clicking the DigiMS Ops Team Obtain Facebook Access task.
Step 1
Update the Status by clicking the pencil on the Status line. Change the Status to In Progress, then click SAVE at the bottom.
Step 2
Now it’s time to log your email and call activities. This step applies to RM and PDM as well for relevant tasks.
The default priority is normal unless you have been asked to escalate.
An email’s status is Completed once you have sent the email, but a call attempt might have different outcomes. Use the drop-down to select the most representative outcome.
The Category field for Facebook products is always Digital Advertising. You will select SEO Work for Reputation Management and Premium Directory Management products.
Click Save.
Step 4
You can now record the outcome of your efforts.
Outcome - Success
If you successfully obtain access, simply click the pencil of a field again to edit the fields as follows:
Status: Closed / Closure Reason: Complete
Click save to update this task. This process will remove the task from your list and release the rest of the tasks to the subsequent queues that were waiting on access.
Outcome - Unsuccessful
If you cannot obtain access, click the pencil of any field to update the Status and Closure Reason fields as follows:
Status: On Hold / Closure Reason: Complete
Then give the account manager some details of why you couldn’t obtain access in the Actions Taken field.
Click Save to update this task.
Step 5
After you have logged the call or email in the task, you will need to go to the Fulfillment Request level and update the Fulfillment Description with the updated outreach attempts. Example:
Keeping the Fulfillment Description up to date is important for us to see in a list view which clients will need to be escalated to cancel services that we cannot fulfill without the intake info. For PDM and RM outreach, the cadence is as follows:
-Call 1 to the dealer, if that is unsuccessful then you send Email 1 immediately after.
-Wait one week, then attempt Call 2. If that is unsuccessful then you send Email 2 immediately after.
--Wait another week, then attempt Call 3. If that is unsuccessful then you send Email 3 immediately after and CC the CSM in the email too so that they can pick it up from there and escalate for cancellation due to non-response.
Outreach attempts should be completed weekly, totaling three weeks, until we get information back from the dealer to complete setup or need to escalate for cancellation of services.
Step 6
Sometimes, the client wants to move their budget to Google advertising instead. Other times, they may want to cancel. Either way, you’ll need to let the account manager know. This is where you’ll use the Fulfillment Request’s Chatter to let the account manager (or digital marketing reps, or both) know.
You may go back to your dashboard to go to the Fulfillment Request, or you can find the Related Record on the Fulfillment Task window. It looks like this.
When you’re in the Fulfillment Request page, look to the right to find the Chatter tab next to the Activity tab. Tag some people you know are involved with the account, then leave them a message and click “Share” to send them notification.
Premium Directory Management
There are 3 tasks in Premium Directory Management in the outreach queue. We have designated one to be the indicator of success.
Log your calls in the DigMS Ops Team: PDM Outreach: Intake Call task.
Log your emails in the DigMS Ops Team - PDM Outreach: Send outreach email task.
Successful Outcome
Please set all tasks to Close / Complete (as above for Facebook):
DigMS Ops Team - PDM Outreach: Send outreach email
DigMS Outreach: Create Leadsie link
DigMS Ops Team: PDM Outreach: Intake Call
DigMS Ops Team - PDM Outreach: Obtain access
Unsuccessful Outcome
Please set these 3 tasks to Close / Complete:
DigMS Ops Team - PDM Outreach: Send outreach email
DigMS Ops Team: PDM Outreach: Intake Call
DigMS Outreach: Create Leadsie link
Please set this task to On Hold / Declined:
DigMS Ops Team - PDM Outreach: Obtain access
Reputation Management (All)
There are even more tasks for Reputation Management! For this one, you’ll need to indicate which task failed and which succeeded per the instructions above.
Once you obtain the GBP information, click into the customer account by following the link under Customer Information in the Fulfillment Task.
On the account page, refer to the Related List Quick Links on the right and click Show All. Click on Digital Marketing Profiles.
Click a pencil on any field to edit all fields.
Then update fields as necessary and click Save.
Final Words
This process is still a work-in-progress. We’ll work to condense the tasks list, but we wanted to make sure that process captures all steps.
In your In Progress columns, you will see the last modified date of all your In Progress tasks. You may use this to set the schedule for your calls or emails, or you may assign yourself a future Task using the New Task tab in the Activity space.