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Here you'll find a breakdown of responsibilities, tools, and resources required to successfully set up a TDA campaign.

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Set Up

None of the following set-up tasks can be completed until after an Account Manager has completed an Intake Call with the new client.

Account Manager

  • Perform Intake Call
  • Inform the TDA Department Manager once the Intake Call has been completed
    • Additionally, the TDA Department Manager will monitor the Intake Form Response sheet for completed Intake Call information 


  • Set up a NinjaCat account for the new TDA client

Belize TDA Specialist

  • Create a Trello card for the new client on the Targeted Digital Advertising Trello Board

Pixel Deployment

Belize TDA Specialist

To deploy the tracking pixel on the website, the Belize TDA Specialist will:

  • Move the new client's Trello Card on the Targeted Digital Advertising Trello Board to the Conversion Set Up (Add Lief!) column on that same board
  • The Digital Marketing Development Team will deploy the pixel through the back end of the website
  • The Digital Marketing Development Team will move the client's card to the Design Phase & Supplemental Info column once pixel deployment is complete

Pixel Deployment Resources

Graphic Design Request

Belize TDA Specialist

The initial Graphic Design request creates the ads that the TDA campaign will build off of in future months. To accomplish this, the Belize
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Table of Contents

Pixel Deployment

  • Engineering (DigiDragons) will deploy the pixel.

Graphic Design Request

To request creative for the campaign, the TDA Specialist will: 

  • Create a Trello card for the new client on the Digital Marketing Graphic Design Trello Board

  • Move the client's card into the TDA Column

  • Sends the completed ads to the assigned Account Manager to obtain client approval

  • Once the ads are approved they will move the client's card into the Completed column on the Targeted Digital Advertising Trello Board

  • All completed ads will only be submitted to once the TDA campaign is brought live
  • Graphic Design Team

    • The Graphic Design Team will complete the TDA ad request

    • Once completed, they will move the client's card into the For Review column

    Graphic Design Request Resources


    Belize TDA Specialist

    The Belize TDA Specialist will create the initial keyword list that the TDA campaign will build off of over the length of their campaign

    • If the TDA client already has either an SEO or SEM package the Belize TDA Specialist will request an export of the keyword list from their SEO or SEM Specialist
    • If the client does not have a preexisting SEO or SEM package, the Belize TDA Specialist develop a keyword list based on the client's inventory
      • Admin Panel > DS Admin > Inventory Stats (to see the client's current inventory)
    • Use the Kogneta Keyword Multiplier Tool to assemble the keyword list
      • If needed, the Belize TDA Specialist will use the TDA Keyword Bank to help improve the generated keyword list
    • Create a new Google Sheet, import the keyword list into the sheet, and download the sheet as a CSV
    • The CSV with the keyword list will only be sent to once the campaign goes live

    Keyword Resources


    Account Manager

    • Send the Geofence TDA Template Excel spreadsheet to the dealer for them to add preferred geofences

    Belize TDA Specialist

    The default number of geofences to set up a geofence campaign is 30. Many times the dealer is only able to provide between 10 to 15 geofences. In this case, the Belize TDA Specialist will generate the remaining geofences from a mix of competitors and lifestyle locations, e.g. camping stores, campgrounds, hardware stores, really any contextual lifestyle resources that will appeal to the dealers' audience.

    Receive the initial list of geofences provided by the dealer in the
    1. Account Manager sends the Geofence TDA Template Excel

    1. spreadsheet to the dealer

    2. Dealer fills Geofence sheet and returns

    3. TDA adds any additional geofences, as needed

    , to the Geofence TDA Template Excel spreadsheet to reach the default number of 30
  • The Geofence TDA Template Excel spreadsheet will only be sent to once the TDA campaign is brought live
  • Geofence Resources

    Go Live

    Belize TDA Specialist

    Once the TDA account is ready to go love, the Belize TDA Specialist will:

    • Fill out and submit the Order Request Form (Google Form)
      • This sends a copy of the form responses to:
        • TDA Department Manager
        • Belize TDA Specialist
    • The Belize TDA Specialist will then attach the following to the form response email:
      • All ads created by the Graphic Design Team
      • Finalized Keyword List CSV
      • Finalized Geofence TDA Template Excel spreadsheet
    • The Belize TDA Specialist will then forward the response email to:
    • Notify the Account Manager that the TDA campaign has been brought live

    Account Manager

    • Notify the dealer once the TDA account has gone live

    Go Live Resources

    With Set-Up completed, it's time to move on the 3. Maintenance (TDA) phase of the TDA Project Life Cycle!
    1. TDA provides geofences to Quorum

    2. Geofences are applied to the Campaign by the Quorum team


    TDA Specialist will notify the Account Manager that the TDA campaign has been brought live.

    • For Salesforce, the task will be completed

    • For IRV, TDA will notify the Account Manager that the campaign is live via email

    • AM then notifies the dealer that their ads are running.

    3. Maintenance (TDA)