Versions Compared


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What Is It

Where to Get It

How to Use

Inventory Count

Total inventory units for the inventory page you’re working on.

Directly on the webpage you’re looking to optimize using inventory filters or the inventory feed from a website.

Search Volume

The average monthly search volume for the keyword group.

AccuRanker - You can look at the tag group for page you’re working on and it will give you a localized and aggregated average monthly search volume for keywords in that group.

There isn’t much use in targeting keywords that no one is searching for and so, we want to make sure that our chosen focus has decent search volume. Ideally you want to start with pages that represent the most search volume first but you will also need to consider their inventory as well.

Inventory Count

Total inventory units for the inventory page you’re working on.

Directly on the webpage you’re looking to optimize using inventory filters or the inventory feed from a website.

We want to make sure we are focused on optimizing pages where the dealer has inventory to sell. Ideally the page would included more than 10% of the total inventory count. This can be difficult with low inventory dealer so you may have to optimize showroom pages instead.

Current Ranking

Current localized ranking for the main keyword(s).

AccuRanker - You can look at the tag group for page you’re working on and it will give you a localized and aggregated average ranking for keywords in that group.

The third factor to consider is the current rankings of tracked keywords. Some of the best keywords to target for new content are those that are already ranking on the first and second page since they already perform well and a little content can results is significant gains.


Total number of times a keyword had a result clicked over the total number of times it was shown

AccuRanker - I would focus on the main keyword’s CTR as it should be included in the meta title for maximum effect.

The last main stat to consider for justification is the CTR for your tracked keywords. If you’re keywords have a lower relative CTR than the rest of the site you’re content could add value in two main areas the attractiveness of the link on the SERP and the relevancy of the content on the page to a larger percentage of searches.

**Bonus: Competition Summary for the Main Keyword

Brief about the other competitors on the SERP for the main keyword

AccuRanker - You can see the organic competitors for each keyword by clicking the top competitor for the keyword in the table.

This summary can give an idea of our chance of beating the current top performers for a given keyword. If it’s all big box stores, directories, and large brands our chances may not be very good or we should consider alternative strategies to win there. However, if it’s all local results we might be able to close the gap much faster.


Dealer Requests


titleWhat records do we have to have this filled out for?

Any that have to do with on-site work. Could be the same for a header and footer though.
