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🏁 Milestones / Project Timeline

  •   Created an audit sheet and communicated the plan to Katie.
  •  Katie will update the audit sheet with findings






Where (Meeting)


If content is not requested or created in the month of February, should reps still create a line for it in the WD Import to include in reporting that says the work is still in progress?

No, content that is requested late this month will be reported on in the month that the content is published. We want to avoid tons of in-progress WD lines that may lead dealers to believe we are slacking in fulfilling their package requirements.

Gabriel Reyes

If content is created in a future month to catch up on the Feb. package requirements and is reported on for that future month, will it need to be moved back to the February work section once reporting is over?

It shouldn’t need to be moved as it doesn’t affect monthly reporting, but may show up in quarterly reporting that we did more work in one month to catch up for another.

Are there QA issues that could arise by having February content reported on in future months? Will QA call out WD Imports that appear to have more than the package requirements fulfilled in a single month?

Ned Faulhaber






Where (Meeting)
