Follow these steps to add a pop-up. There are multiple sets of steps, depending on how the pop-up needs to be added.
Creating Your Pop-up
First, you will need a snippet set up to behave like a pop-up. Some sites may already have some type of pop-up snippet that you can copy or alter to suit your needs. However, if the site does not have a pop-up snippet already, you can copy it from our Standard Snippets folder in the InteractRV account.
Make sure you are logged in to the InteractRV account.
Once you are, you should see a “Standard Snippets” folder on the left-hand side of the Websites>Content area.
Expand the StandardSnippets folder to show the contents of the folder. There are two different versions of pop-up snippets you can copy from – pop-up-graphic and pop-up-text.
Depending on the type of pop-up you are planning to put together, you should select accordingly. Pop-up-text is meant for pop-ups that only contain text, where pop-up-graphic contains a placeholder image for any pop-ups with images.
To copy either one to where you’d like it to go, right-click on the snippet in question to make the actions menu appear to the right of the list of snippets. You’ll want to select “Copy” to copy the snippet to another dealer’s folder.
It will then prompt you to choose where you’d like to copy to. Expand the InteractRV accounts to find the dealer you want, and place it in the Snippets folder for that dealer.
Once you copy it over to that dealer’s snippet folder, it will appear in gray (meaning it is not saved or published yet) in that dealer’s folder.
Click on the name of the snippet to open and edit it. You will see a mostly-empty snippet that has a placeholder image in it like this:
Now, you can make the adjustments you need to set up the pop-up to look as you need. You should be able to edit the image by clicking on it and selecting the “Edit” button to change out what is there.
Once you open the Edit menu, you will be presented with a few different options to edit. You should Choose Image to change the image out to the appropriate image you’d like on the pop-up (size should be 600px x 600px if the pop-up is an image only, or 600px x ~250px if the image is going to have text or a form beneath it). After you’ve chosen your image, you must add an Image Name. This image name should be a summary of what the image is advertising without being a lengthy description. For example, if the image is advertising a deal of $200 off all 2023 models, the Image Name should state “$200 off All 2023 Models at Dealer Name” or something similar to help with SEO. Finally, while it is optional, it is strongly recommended to add an Image Link to any image pop-ups. For example, an image advertising a specific sale may point to a page that shows units that are eligible for the sale. If it is a promotion that can not be made into a listing page, you may just want to link to the main RV Search page or something similar. If you type the link into the box instead of using the “Choose Link” button, do not copy and paste the entire URL (ex. Instead, use a relative URL (ex. /rv-search).
Once you’ve filled this out, and the pop-up has the image content it needs, you have completed setting up your pop-up (unless it needs additional text or a form, in which case, you will want to add those things in below the image as needed). All that’s left to do is save and publish the snippet so it is live.
Now that it’s all set up, we will need to decide where to place the pop-up.
Adding a Pop-up Site-wide
If the dealer would like the pop-up to appear site-wide, then we only need to place the pop-up in one place – the footer! We will need to open the footer snippet in the Snippets folder to get started.
Once we’ve opened the snippet, we will want to use the <> button to open the code of the Footer. At the very bottom, we’ll put a “placeholder” for where the pop-up is going to be added.
Now, hit “Ok” and exit the code editor. You should see your placeholder at the bottom of the footer:
Highlight the placeholder you’ve created, and then select the “Insert Macro” button to actually place the pop-up.
Upon clicking the “Insert Macro” button, you will be prompted to select a type of macro – choose “Snippet” from the dropdown. This will bring you to a spot where you will be prompted to choose which snippet to place. Click the “+ Add” button to select the pop-up you just made.
Once you’ve selected the pop-up you made, go ahead and click “Submit” to finalize the placement.
Now you will see a Snippet placed at the very bottom of the Footer. If you click “Edit Snippet”, you should see the name of the pop-up you just added inside.
Make sure to Save & Publish the footer snippet after making those changes. Afterwards, you’ll want to navigate to the homepage (or any other page on the site) to ensure that the pop-up is showing.
Congratulations! You’ve added a pop-up!
Adding a Pop-up to a Single Page
To add to a single page, you will follow a similar method to the one described above for adding to the whole site. But instead of adding this snippet to the footer, you’ll add it to the bottom of whatever single page you want this to appear on.
For landing pages, this will be at the bottom of the Content area:
For listing pages, this will be placed in the “Bottom List Blurb” area.
Adding a Pop-up to a Group of Pages
Coming soon
Adjusting Pop-up Frequency
Some dealers may ask for adjustments to how often the pop-up will appear for users. This can be changed by adjusting the “script” part of the pop-up.
When you open the snippet for the pop-up and navigate to the Developer Tab, you will see a script is in place.
The first part of this script relates to how frequently the pop-up will show up for the user. The “expires: [#]” area determines how long it takes for the cookie this pop-up generates to expire (and therefore, show it again to the user).
The default for the versions of the pop-ups you can copy in the StandardSnippets folder is 30 days. This means the popup will only show to users once every 30 days. The value here is in days, so if a dealer wants a pop-up to show more frequently than once every 30 days, we can turn the number down from there.
When you are editing the number in the script, be very careful not to delete the comma after the number, as this will cause the script to not work properly.
Making a Pop-up Show More Than Once A Day
While we strongly recommend against showing a pop-up more than once per day (as it is annoying to users, and we should push back on this and let dealers know that it will likely frustrate users), it is possible to do if a dealer insists on it.
To make a pop-up show EVERY time the user loads the page, we should set that “expires” setting to 0.
To make a pop-up show within a certain number of hours under 24, we will need to do some math. 1/24th (aka, 1 hour) = 0.04167. Therefore, if a dealer wants the pop-up to show every [x] amount of hours, we will simply multiply that decimal by the number of hours we need.
1 hour - 0.04167
3 hours - 0.125
5 hours - 0.208
So on and so forth. However, we strongly recommend against going below once a day to avoid users exiting the site out of frustration.