Reputation Management: Uploading a Customer List

To eliminate manual work related to sending requests for reviews to your customers, it’s best to integrate your dealer management system or business management system with our Reputation Management product so that this can happen automatically each day.

If you are unable to integrate your DMS or BMS system to automatically send review requests to your customers when they make purchases or do not have a supported management system, you can upload customer lists to the system manually from the Review Requests tab.

The customer list must be a CSV (comma-separated values) file and should contain the following fields: FName, LName, Email, and Phone.

First, from your DMS or BMS, export the list of customers that have made purchases from you for which you’d like to solicit reviews, and edit that export to match the CSV format above.

You can download a template for the file with the Download CSV Template link here:

You may want to name this CSV with the date or date range of the customer transactions it represents.

Upload this document to the Reputation Management system by clicking the Upload Contact List button.

Ensure that the fields match. If you created the CSV according to the instructions above, you should simply be able to verify that the columns are correct and click the Add List button.

The customers for whom you want to send requests will appear here for final verification. Select whether you’d like to send Email, Text, or both to each of these customers and click the red X to remove any that you do not want to include.

Finally, click the Send Review Request button to send these requests to your customers.