SEO Team Offboarding Tasks

SEO Team Offboarding Tasks


Lay out the tasks an SEO Team Lead must complete when a client cancels SEO services or ghosts the platform in order to fully offboard the canceled client.



  • The SEO Team Lead receives notification of an SEO cancellation through a Teams message, account manager email, or the SEO Monthly Planner.


  • The team lead will send the assigned SEO rep an email notification of the cancellation using the following template:

    • “Hello, I am sending you a notification that your SEO client (insert dealer name) will be canceling/has canceled their SEO services effective (insert cancel effective date). Here is the change request for reference: (insert CR#).”

Helpful Tip: the cancellation effective date can be found in the change request under “Product Effective Date”. This is required for every SEO cancellation - even platform ghostings or other unexpected cancellations.

  • The product effective date listed in the change request will need to be recorded as the cancellation date on the content template card in the Custom Fields section:

  • If the SEO rep has already put in a content request for the following month when the client is to be canceled, The Team Lead must find the card in the Content Writing, QA, or Posting board.


  • The SEO Team Lead cancellation tasks have been completed and Juniper can complete their assigned cancellation tasks to finish closing out the client.