New Reputation Management Outreach

New Reputation Management Outreach

The initial email is sent to the client for cards that appear on the Outreach Trello board in the Reputation / Directory Queue column. For the entirety of fulfillment instructions, please refer to the Fulfillment Instructions.

Note: CC the account manager and track each email to its account on Dynamics365.

Initial Email Template

Good day {Name},

Our agency requires access to your Google My Business and Facebook Business accounts in order to set up your Reputation Management service. We will need Owner and Admin permissions for the accounts and connect them to our platform.

Please follow these steps to grant us access:

Google My Business

  1. Go to your Business Profile. How to find your profile.

  2. Click Menu (three dots) > Business Profile settings > Managers.

  3. At the bottom left, click Add.

  4. Enter {email address}

  5. Under "Access," choose Owner.

  6. Click Invite.

Facebook Business

You will receive a notification prompting you to accept a page admin request. You must be logged into the page owner account.

The request can be found under the bell icon “Notifications” or under Settings > Page Roles on the Facebook platform. If you are unable to find the notification, please let me know.

If you have trouble granting ownership of your accounts or would like a walkthrough of the process, please schedule a call with me to go over the process. Click here {Calendly link} to find a time that is convenient for you.

Thank you for your time,



The Account Manager is responsible for finding out the client’s current dealership management system (DMS). This information is transferred to the Trello card that is sent to the Outreach Trello board. Based on the DMS information, the Digital Marketing Outreach Team sends instructions to the dealership contact as follows:

  • Check the ENABLE box for Dealer Vue Customer Integration.

  • Send email to support@dealervu.com. Include PSM Dealer ID and ask them to send daily Customer file to FTP site and mirror set up for Gasoline Alley HD.

Outreach Template for DealerVu

To: support@dealervu.com
Subject: Request for daily customer file for {PSM Dealer ID}


We would like to request a daily customer file for {PSM Dealer ID} to be sent to [more info needed]. Thank you.


Dealer or DX1 support will create a customer report to send to DX1@reviewinvitations.com. The report must include the dealership name in a column of the report. The name will need to be entered using the exact same characters into the DX1 Dealer ID field.

Outreach Template for DX1

To: {dealership contact}
Subject: Instructions for DMS integration

Input Dealer’s Lightspeed # into the DMS Dealer ID field & check the ENABLE box for Customer Data.

Request the following data from the dealer and input into the Motility fields:

  • Motility Integration ID

  • Motility Account ID

  • Motility Username

  • Motility Password

  • Send Instructions to Dealer for configuring integration within their program & generating an API key to send back to Support Team.

  • Input API Key into Nizex / Lizzy ID field.