Linking Emails

Linking Emails

Every image and CTA button on an email should link somewhere. We want to give users as many opportunities as possible to navigate to the website.


Link the header to the homepage of the website. If the logo is a separate image, link that as well.


To find the social media links for the footers, check the footer of the dealer's website.

Each footer will have a logo that should be linked to the homepage.

Phone Numbers

To link phone numbers, add a link to the phone number text that reads "tel:##########" Where the # is the dealership phone number

Email Address

To link an email address, add a link to the email text that reads "mailto:kael.danicic@dealerspike.com" with the dealer's email address replacing mine.

Linking Newsletters

Newsletters should always have the most up-to-date information. The first place you should look for links is in the request. A rep or client may have a specific page they want to link to. 

Inventory features usually have two spots for links: an image, and a CTA button. Though, they can be single images.

Navigate to the dealer's website, and search the inventory for the unit featured. Click into the inventory detail page and use that link on both the CTA button and the image of the unit.

If you are promoting a category of inventory, navigate to that inventory's page - usually through links on the homepage or through the top-level inventory list pages.

Harley-Davidson Dealerships

Harley dealers have a unique inventory in the form of a big navigation menu. When linking to this inventory, click on the family the bike belongs to. This will be your link for family page links.

Click into the unit for unit features and use that link for both the image of the bike and the CTA for that unit.


Event flyers will usually just be one image.

The link may be specified in the request or even on the flyer itself. If not, you have a couple options.

1. Navigate to the "events" or "calendar" page on the dealer's website. If you can't locate a link in the nav bar, you can add "--xcalendar" to the end of the domain url.

Search for the event and see if there's a link to an event page. Use that link in your email.

2. An event will often have an accompanying slide on the homepage of the site. Use the link on that slide if one exists.

3. If there's no calendar, look for a link to the dealer's facebook page. This can be found in the footer of the website. Look for an event by the dealer page and link to that event.

If you cannot find any reasonable event link, reach out to the MA rep.

Other Notes

For most current events, look to the dealer's homepage slideshow. Those are generally kept up-to-date with dealer promotions.

Look for the best link on the website itself before consulting outside websites. 

Linking Automation Emails

With automated emails, the links need to be to more static pages than that of a newsletter. A newsletter tends to have up-to-date inventory and event info relevant to the time it's sent. Automation emails run for longer periods of time so we have to be careful to not link to a page that might change or disappear.


Most times, we are promoting categories or specific manufacturers in these emails. Most times, there will be a link to the page you need on the homepage or the top-level inventory list page. 

If a page you need doesn't exist, you will need to create one.

Head to the top-level new inventory list page. There's usually a link in the navigation bar, or you can add "--inventory" to the end of the dealer's URL.

On this page, use the sort options on the left to select the inventory you want to show on the page. This will often by vehicle types and manufacturers, but can also be price ranges, vehicle condition, and more.

Click "Apply"

Take the newly created URL and remove the "&pg=1" from the URL. The remaining URL will be your link for the email.


Start with https://www.nashpowersports.com/--inventory

If we add "ATV" and "New" parameters, we get https://www.nashpowersports.com/--inventory?category=atv&condition=new&pg=1

Remove the "&pg=1" and your final URL is https://www.nashpowersports.com/–inventory?category=atv&condition=new

Department Pages

Often an email will feature a certain department. Links to most departments can be found in the navigation bar of the website.

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