2019 SEM Report Guide

2019 SEM Report

This guide will breakdown the new 2019 report to clarify the data that you are seeing and showing to clients. 

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The first section of the new KPIs slide is similar to the previous report, but with a couple key changes. The red and green arrows have been removed. If there is a negative in front of it, such as for the CTR and Conversions in the above picture, that means there is a net loss compared to the previous  month. Otherwise, it was a net gain. These numbers are always going to be absolutes and not the percent difference. Additionally, the orange graph blow shows the 12 month trend for that metric, as denoted by the 2017 - 2018 below.

Next, we have the data that was determined to be important to dealers immediately following our metrics. This includes the Impressions & Clicks by day and Conversions breakdown, both as a pie chart and as a comparison column graph. On the column graphs, the orange bar is always going to be the reporting month and the gray one will be the month previous. 

The second KPI slide includes the data that was determined to be of next level of importance to dealers. Clicks have been broken down by device while Impressions and Calls have both been broken down by hour of the day.


Again, we have removed the red and green arrows. The bold numbers are the total for the reporting month and the smaller number below is how it compares to the previous month. For example:

In the first row, we see 631 clicks from last month with is 218 less than (-218) the previous month. These numbers will always be absolute differences and not percentage differences.


The phone call slide now includes Total Calls From Ads as well as a breakdown of whether they were missed or received and manually dialed or mobile click-to-calls. The top 13 calls, sorted by duration and filtered to only include calls longer than 15 seconds, will be a scrolling table in the dashboard if your dealer wants to see more than just 13. 

Beneath that, the calls are further broken down by day and by hour for the last month.


The Facebook slide includes Clicks, Impressions, CTR, Reactions (likes, wows, loves, etc) and Leads from Facebook Ads. There will be the total KPIs on the left and a table that breaks them down by ad (if they have multiple) on the right.


Similar to Facebook, the Bing slide shows the Clicks, Impressions, CTR, and Conversions from Bing Ads with the total KPI amount on the left and a table breaking down the details on the right. Although this table is limited to the top 5 ads on the report, it will be scrolling in the dashboard so your clients can view the entire breakdown.


The TDA slides start with an overview, showing total impressions, clicks, CTR, and weight actions for this account. The table breaks it down by campaign type with the following slides breaking down each campaign type (Geo Fencing, Search, & Site Retargeting) even more.