Month 1 QA

Month 1 QA

In addition to the account setup, clients get some emails in the first month to kick-off their campaign.

Navigate to the client's SharpSpring account


Navigate to the Content drop-down > Emails

Search for the following emails

  • Welcome
  • Let Us Help You
  • Finance
  • Trade-In
  • Vehicle Upgrade
  • Parts Request
  • Service Request

Click into each email and make sure each element has a link to a relevant page on the dealer's site.

On the left-hand side of the page, select the email icon to open the Send Settings

Check that the subject is attention grabbing and relevant

Check that the email is coming "from" someone at the dealership with an email that ends in the same domain as the dealer website (no "@gmail.com") and any replies will go to the same person.


Three workflows are completed in the first month

  • Unit Inquiry
  • Non-Unit Inquiry
  • Parts/Service

In Sharpspring, navigate to the Automation drop-down > Visual Workflows

If you can't find the workflow, select "Active Workflows" and change over to "Inactive Workflows" we may still be waiting on dealer approval to set the new work live.

Follow the setup guide here (Setup Workflows) to make sure the proper triggers and actions are present.

The gist is: Any time a user clicks on a VT-specific link, they should be added to a relevant segment (list)

Add label

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