Adding inventory level labels to products displaying on Automotive dealer websites is made possible with ARI's intregration with ATD online.    

Step-by-Step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. Log into ARI Command Center
  2. Goto Integrations 
  3. On the Integration Manager page 
    1. Select Type = "Other"
    2. System = "Tire Distributor"
  4. Scroll down on page until you get to "Configure Messages" area.  Below is a table that helps define the Inventory levels:
    1. Local Inventory = ATD Online Local Distribution - If there are 4 or more in local distributor inventory, this label will appear on product result
    2. Local Plus/Regional = ATD Online Local Plus Distribution - If Local Inventory does not contain 4 or more but Local Plus does, Local Plus label now displays
    3. National Inventory =  ATD Online National Distribution - If both Local and Local Plus do not contain 4 or more in inventory, but National Inventory does, National Inventory label displays
    4. No Inventory Data Available = If Local, Local Plus, and National Distribution do not contain 4 or more, it defaults to "No Inventory Data Available" label
  5. Label - Enter label to display on the website.  For instance, a label of "0-1 business days" on a tires that are available through Local Distribution may be desirable since generally this tire can be ordered and received within one day.
  6. Tooltip - Enter a Tooltip that helps further define label.  For example, on a National Inventory label, a label such as "Available within 3-7 business days. Some exceptions apply."  may be appropriate



NOTE: This only applies to distributor type integrations. "No Inventory Data Available" default label exists if no integration exists.

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