To add the Deal of the Week to the homepage, see here for the appropriate code blocks. Not all dealers will want this on their homepage, but if they do, we need to figure out a way to add it to the page so that it looks nice and matches aesthetically with the rest of the homepage. See below for some visual examples.
Create two pages titled “deal-of-the-week” and “deal-of-the-week-sold”
On “deal-of-the-week”, add a promotion snippet with the following values:
SoldPage – “deal-of-the-week-sold”
ItemTemplate – “UnitPromotion.cshtml” or a custom template if the dealer has one set up.
PromotionTypeId – Place the ID of the Deal of the Week promotion listed in the “Promotions” tab of ICC.
On “deal-of-the-week” add the following scripts to the footer.
Code Block <script src="https://assets-cdn.interactcp.com/interactrv/js/common_netcore/countdown.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Code Block <script type="text/javascript">$('.dow-unit-content.hidden').removeClass('hidden');</script>
Code Block <script>// <!--CDATAOPENTAG--> $(function () { $('.dow-countdown-large').each(function() { var endDay = new Date($(this).attr('data-end-date')); $(this).countdown({until: endDay}); }); }); // <!--CDATACLOSETAG--></script>