Versions Compared


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  •   Senior rep review/provide feedback.
  •   Katie Hill review/provide feedback.
  •   Grant Gooch and Lance Shroyer review/provide feedback.


titleModule: Joining the


titleModule: Setting up your tools
  • Internal resources

    • Tools setup/getting access/permissions


      • IT-assisted setups

        • Google Chrome


        • , Passwordstate, Bonusly, ADP, RingCentral


        • ,


        • CRM,


        • VPN


        • , Confluence,


        • Notepad++ (DS-specific)


        • Extensions,

      • Self Setups/Trainer-assisted

        • Chrome extensions, secondary Chrome profiles, SEOmonitor, Trello

titleModule: New Hire Setup
  • Share Folders

  • Welcome Email

  • Setting up Outlook and Teams (signatures, etc)

  • How to use our tools (Office, Google, etc)

  • Remote working best practices and etiquette

  • SEO news outlets (search engine land, search engine journal, moz, etc)

Module: What is SEO?

  • How Google works

  • Fundamentals of SEO

Module: How to Use Keywords


Research (SEOmonitor, Keyword Planner) - How and Why




  • How to Set up and Use Tools

    • Google Drive

      • Share folders

    • Microsoft Outlook

      • Basic setups to organize inbox

      • Email signatures

    • Outlook Calendar

      • Scheduling events

    • Microsoft Teams

      • Add chats

  • How to Develop Remote Working Etiquette and Habits

  • Bookmarking SEO new media outlets

    • Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, Moz

      • Sharing news with the team

titleModule: Introduction to SEO
  • External resources

    • Fundamentals of SEO

      • What is SEO?

    • How Search Engines Work

    • Local SEO

    • SEO Best Practices

  • Internal resources

    • What SEO looks like at LeadVenture

      • DS or ARI platform-training

  • Knowledge check

titleModule: How to Use Keywords
  • External resources:

    • Keyword research basics

      • What are keywords?

    • How to find valuable keywords

    • Intro to our keyword research tools

    • How to analyze

    • How to use

      • keyword stuffing and keyword density

    • Keyword cannibalization

  • Internal resources

    • Utilizing keyword research tools

      • Using SEOmonitor, Keyword Planner, and GSC together

      • SEOmonitor keyword research

      • Keyword list monthly maintenance

      • Identifying keywords in GSC

    • Keyword cannibalization guide

    • Understanding what pages are ranking for which keywords

  • Knowledge check


titleModule: On-Site Optimization


On-page elements

  • H1s

  • Metadata

  • Header/Footer

  • Images/Banners

  • External resources

    • What is SEO content?

    • Important SEO content ranking factors

      • Mobile SEO

    • How to write SEO content

    • Adding keywords to H1 and metadata

      • Spotibo

  • Internal resources

    • SEO content writing

      • How to write content from an SEO perspective

        • Meta descriptions, internal linking, semantic SEO, LSI keywords

    • How to post content

      • DS or ARI platform training

titleModule: Client Sheets
  • Client sheet overview

  • Client info tab

    • Client info tab sections definitions

  • Work done import tab

    • Columns definitions

  • Content history tab

  • DS import tab

  • Trainer-assisted demo

titleModule: Internal Link Structure
  • External resources

    • Internal linking 101

      • What are internal links

      • Why are they important

    • Internal linking strategy

      • How to setup and build an internal linking strategy

    • Canonical tags

      • Importance to internal link structure

      • ARI-specific

  • Internal resources

    • Link structure types


Page linking (mobile-friendly buttons)


DS- and ARI-specific structures

  • Selecting canonical ILPs

  • GSC - how to request indexing for pages


Module: Client Sheets


Relevant client sheet tabs

  • Introduce client info tab, WDI tab, content history tab

Module: Trello Process

  • Content Staging board

  • Content request process

    • Fill out template

    • Reference content history tab

    • Submit to appropriate Trello columns

  • QA board

    • Fulfilling QA corrections

  • YouTube board (question)

    • Requesting YT focuses

Module: Campaign Plan Creation

  • Formulating 7-month plan

  • Evaluating client priorities

  • Referencing inventory sizes

  • Keywords/search interest

  • Seasonal/regional/historical search trends

Module: Campaign Plan Maintenance

  • Client requests/updates

  • Identifying topics for 7th month

  • Identifying related content topics (blogs)

Module: First Month Optimization

  • First Month Client Guide

  • First Month Client Work

    • FTP navigation (question) (DS-specific)

  • First Month Trello Board (check set up)

Module: Data Analysis

  • Tools (GA, GSC, GTM, Yext (question), SEOmonitor (SEOmon - analyzing keyword data)

  • Using data to formulate campaign plans and strategize optimization

Module: Reporting


NinjaCat Introduction


What metrics are included in the reports?


Formatting the client sheet (WDI tab)


    • at LeadVenture

      • Funnel preferred type

      • Clean navigation, link equity, and information hierarchy

    • Platform-specific internal link structure demo

    • Linking canonical pages

      • ARI-specific

      • ARI Canonical Go-Forward process

  • Knowledge check

titleModule: Trello: Content Requests
  • Trello workspace overview

  • What are content requests?

  • Content requests and client packages

    • Old vs New packages

      • Visual breakdown doc

    • Silver, Gold, Platinum

  • Content types

    • New package content types

      • blog articles, pagefooters, inventory content, custom pages, local pages

    • Old package content types

      • blog articles and pagefooters

  • Requesting content

    • How to create a content request

    • Staging boards

  • Content request demo

  • Content request corrections

    • Checking the “issues” columns

  • Knowledge check

titleModule: Trello: QA and YouTube
  • QA Trello board overview

  • Value of QA

  • QA process

    • Making corrections

  • QA Trello boards

  • YouTube video requests

    • Only for old package Platinums or at a la carte addition

  • Value of YouTube videos

  • Determining keyword focus

  • Requesting YouTube video in WDI tab

  • Knowledge check

titleModule: Campaign Plan Creation
  • External resources

    • Setting SEO campaign goals

      • Providing direction to strategize around

    • SEO campaign strategy

      • How to create an SEO strategy

    • SEO seasonality and search interest

      • What is seasonality?

      • How does it affect SEO keywords?

      • Google Trends

  • Internal resources

    • How to set up a 7-month campaign plan

  • Knowledge check

titleModule: Campaign Plan Maintenance
  • External resources

    • Maintaining SEO value throughout a campaign

      • Year-round SEO tasks for maintenance purposes

    • SEO audits

      • What is an SEO audit?

      • How to perform an audit

      • What kinds of audits are there?

  • Knowledge check

titleModule: First Month Optimization
  • Internal resources

    • intake call overview

      • What info is gathered?

        • Inventory priorities

        • Target locations

        • Competitors

    • Client sheet creation

    • Trello card creation

      • Fill out client card description

    • Visit website

      • Gather info from client website

    • Build an initial keyword list

    • First month tasks

      • What pages should you optimize

      • What elements on those pages would you optimize

    • URL structure (DS-specific)

      • How to create a SEF URL

      • Why it’s important for a URL to be SEF

  • Knowledge check

titleModule: Data Analysis
  • External resources

    • Google Search Console

      • What is GSC?

      • How to navigate?

      • What are clicks, impressions, CTR, sitemaps?

      • How to submit a page for indexing?

    • Google Analytics

      • What is GA?

      • What are users, bounce rates, sessions, average session duration, new sessions, pages per session, page views

      • How to navigate?

  • Internal resources

    • GA training

      • Terminology for GA metrics

  • Knowledge check

titleModule: Reporting
  • External resources

    • Creating reports with value

      • How to tell a story with SEO reporting

    • What metrics should be reported on?

      • What KPIs are important?

      • How to gear reports toward client priorities

    • NinjaCat Introduction

      • What is NinjaCat?

      • How to navigate

  • Internal resources

    • Reporting with the WDI tab

      • How to format WDI tab so that info pulls correctly

    • ARI and DS reporting tools and processes

  • Knowledge check