Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Follow these steps to add a form to a page.

Navigate in ICC to the page you want to add the form to.

Type some text in the page editor where you want to place the form. Highlight the text and hit “insert macro”


Under the “Choose a macro” selector, select “FormSnippet”


Hit “select” under “FormSnippet” and navigate to the form you want to add to the page. Click the form.


form-4.jpgImage Added

A note: Sometimes the form you need may not be in the dealer’s Forms folder. If it’s a “common” form, you may need to make sure you are logged into the “InteractRV” account to access the StandardForms folder.


image-20250123-213149.pngImage Added

Once you’ve selected the correct form, press Submit.


Save and publish the page.
